Pre-Op Appointment Tomorrow!!!!!
I'm a little nervous about tomorrow. Can anyone clue me in a little on what goes on during a pre-op appointment? Also, what kind of questions should I be asking? I was supposed to quit smoking and lose 5 pounds. Well, I quit smoking but ate like crazy because I couldn't smoke so now I've gained about 7 lbs. Do you think this will cause me not to get surgery on the date I'm scheduled? I don't think I can lose 12 lbs. in a week.The closer it gets to the big day (nest Wed.) the more nervous I get.
well, i just came from mine and it was pretty informative. first i filled out all of the paperwork. then i saw 3 different videos on going to the hospital, using the breathing thingy after surgery and diet. met with an anesthesiologist, nutritionist and nurse. i have lost a pound since i met with the dr. woo hoo! just make sure to ask any questions you have. good luck on your surgery! i'll save a seat for you on the losers bench!