AUGUST 18TH--less than 48 hours
To all my 8/18 brothers and sisters---the time is nearing!
Pack your bag....say your prayers...get ready to enjoy the ride.
I am getting nervous....but just because it's surgery....I am thrilled about the results that are coming. I can't wait to not have to do insulin again! I stopped my glucophage last night...Woo-Hoo!
Take care and we will get through to the losing side!
Best wishes.
I am the 18th as well! I am so excited! I am very emotional though, I have a 6 year old and each time I look at him I tear up! I am crying while I writing this, I can't help it! I have faith that God will get me through this! I go in at 6:00am in the morning! I won't get any sleep at all tonight! I pray that each one of us will have a speedy recovery.
Amanda K