8 days 2 go, and going nuts!
MAN! Talk about an emotional rollercoaster ride! Not sleeping well, having a day where I just want to be left alone, another day pouting because everyone leaves me alone lol.
I'm pissed at those who aren't supportive, and avoiding those who are. A hermit crab I suppose? lol
8 days in counting. And my biggest fear? is that something will happen and I won't be able to have the surgery. Isn't that wierd? Not worrying (atleast today, maybe tomorrow) that I'll have complications et****ep obsessing that surgery will be cancelled or something.
It's my "this is too good to be true" mentality that something will happen to spoil it for me.
I did go to the "before and after" picts here last night and felt much better seeing so many happy faces post surgery.
Anyone else having similar feelings? or am I going plain NUTS lol.