My 40th Bday is coming up...
My 40th bday is on Saturday nd I am sitting here thinking about the way I spent my last few bdays. Last year, I had lost about 70 lbs by my bday. I was feeling pretty good about myself. This year, I am about 120lbs lighter! And I am feeling great about myself!
I am still in awe of this surgery and what it has done for my life. I really worried that I wouldn't make it to 50 years old before I had surgery. I had this fear that I wouldn't live to see my kids get married, or to have grandkids. I am so thankful for everything now. I appreciate life way more and can't wait to live it.
I also wanted to thank you ALL for the support you have given me these past 18 months. I KNOW for sure that I wouldn't have been nearly as successfull without you all.
I plan on spending my bday with my friends and family celebrating! I am going to buy me a sexy new outfit and make sure someone gets pictures!
I am really looking forward to it. My doctor asked me how I felt about turning 40 and I told her that it really is only a number to me. I feel like I am in my 20's and love the look on people's faces when I tell them that I am almost 40! Especially the young 20-something men who flirt with me when we go out!!! They are so funny when they find out that I am as old as some of their mothers!
Anyhoo... I hope you girls over in NY are getting unburied from the snow! Gosh I don't envy you!
We have had our share of nasty weather this winter and I am soooo glad Mr. Groundhog predicts an early spring!
Take care and remember to take time for YOU!

Have a GREAT Birthday! I remember my 40th Birthday... I was 335 pounds and my family that I hadnt seen in a couple of years suprised me for my 40th Birthday. I was miserable!!! I remember feeling so ashamed of what I felt like I had become and it was just a miserable time. Now that I am 185 pounds lighter, I would give anything to have my family here for my birthday. Isn't this new life just AMAZING!!! I also think it's funny when I go out and guys that dated my daughters, dont recognise me and hit on me! Its great to see the looks on their faces!

Happy Happy Birthday!
Get that sexy outfit and have a great time.
Forty is not so bad... though my family gave me a real hard time when I turned forty. I had black balloons, black crepe paper all over the house, and black/dark flower bouquets (including one that was spray painted black, yuck!) I'm on the far side of forty and won't see it again (51) and fifty was the last birthday that I celebrated as a 'fat-girl'. I too was worried about seeing too many more birthdays before I had this God-send of a surgery. My health was getting worse every year even though I tried to deny it.
It is definitely more fun when you are thinner and healthier!
Again, have a wonderful Birthday and Celebrate!

Here I am Pulling UP the rear.............
Jeez..... can't believe I'm just now reading this...
Hope you had a wonderful day... I'll be 40 in September... glad I'm around to see it, too, but it's kinda freakin me out...hahahahahaha
Sorry this is sooooo stinkin late... After 10 days of NEVER ENDING SNOW...we're slowly digging out... WOW.... also, the closing on the house will, hopefully, happen in the next couple of weeks... Just want it over... This packing is driving me wacko....
Have a great day