What a great trip!
Hi August Mates!
Got back from my trip to Hawaii with my folks and sister and what great time we had. We took the NCL Pride of Aloha cruise and if you ever get the chance to go, do it!!! It is fantastic. Their gym is a little small but has a several treadmills, eliplitcals and weight machines. First day I was really sore!! I ate mostly protein on the trip and water was hard to make myself drink as I am use to drinking bottled water and was getting glasses of water from the room or buffet area. I did the best I could with that.
Then we found out there was a guy teaching the hula on the ship. What a blast. Talk about a good workout for the thighs and butt area. On Thursday evening we were to do a show for the other passengers and so we practiced all four songs we had learned 4 times. Can you say, "Feel the burn!!!" I intend to keep up with the hula lessons I learned (one, because it is fun and two, because it is a real good workout).
We saw some wonderful things, met some great people and I almost even had a close encounter of the romantic kind with the guy who taught the hula. I need to get myself better able to read the signs and signals guy send out. Oh well, miss opportunities seem to always follow me.
Hope everyone is doing well. Yak at ya soon,
Hi Lori,
I'm thrilled that you've had such a great time! My sister wants to go to Hawaii - been there, done that, and I personally don't care - but a cruise may be the way to go. I keep thinking of taking belly dancing classes for the same reason as your hula ones. When you figure out how to read signals from guys, please, please, let me know the technique!