Sorry, I need to vent or else I'm going to lose it!!

Dawn B.
on 2/7/07 10:56 am - Anderson, CA
Hi all, I've had a LOUSY, LOUSY day and if I can't spill my guts chocolate and anything else I can reach is going to be my solution. Today is the 'last straw that broke this back' type day. I've been having issues with my Direct TV DVR receiver since I got it this time LAST year. Reader's digest version - spent 6 months on the phone with tech support - usually 45 mins on hold each time -; had my box replaced; still didn't work and I finally LOST it. Finally got a guy on the phone the end of June that got me a new, different model, receiver with the understanding that my contract wouldn't be extended and that all costs would be credited back to my account. Money portion was done, extended contract... wait - too early to tell that part. Anyway... life seemed okay until the end of Nov. when I had to keep restarting the receiver because it stop receiving the video/sound feed. Long story - a little shorter - after 3 calls, needed it replaced, but they asked my to try the old model that didn't work as they insisted they had finally fixed it. Did so, it still didn't work so they arranged to send a new one - it arrived last week. Oh... did I mention they've been sending REFURBISHED receivers all this time, except for the one at the end of June? Why is it when you exchange a broken item at a store they give you a BRAND NEW replacement and Direct TV gives you REBURBISHED ones?!?! Anyway... the one that arrived sensor didn't work so they had to ship yet another one! It was supposed to be here by yesterday - it didn't arrive so I called. They sent it to BLANCH STREET, LA!!! I live at Red Bud Lane, California. While I was on the phone I wanted to confirm that my contract was up back at the end of Jan. I want to end my letter to the president a certain way... Well... imagine my surprise and displeasure to learn that it had been extended to July 2008! Couldn't do anything about it last night so had to wait until this evening. Well... after work I had to go find a new space heater as mine is dying. Found one finally and then promptly backed into another driver also backing up! Her car - no damage - mine damaged - not bad, but enough. This of course after a not great day at work. I get home, call Direct TV again to talk with the 'retention department' to be told their computers were updating, and had been for over 5 hours, and they couldn't look at my file. But, per the lady on the phone, it wouldn't matter probably as I was sent paperwork and was told my contract would be extended so there wouldn't be anything they could do. I hung up on her or else I would have just started screaming!!! So, here I sit trying to avoid the dark chocolate hearts, etc. calling my name, trying not to give myself an ulcer, and not fall into a puddle of frustrated tears! If you actually made it through all that - sorry I had to get it out of my system, and thank you for 'listening.' Here's to a better day tomorrow - it can't be worse can it??? Dawn
L C.
on 2/8/07 11:45 am - Port St John, FL
Hey Dawn, I can't believe the run around you are getting! Hope you get it all straightened. Maybe contacting someone from your TV station that does whistle blowing or something like that could help you out if you keep getting the run around. Hope tomorrow is much better. Lori
Dawn B.
on 2/8/07 11:56 am - Anderson, CA
Hi Lori, Thank you for the cheery thought. Today wasn't great, but not quite as bad as yesterday. Hopefully Friday will be an up day... it would be nice to go into a 3-day weekend in a relaxed mood. Dawn
on 2/11/07 4:08 am - pickerington, OH
Dawn! im so sorry you had such a bad day! im SOOO glad you decided to vent here to us, then to grab those EVIL chocolate hearts, thats what we are all here for!!!!! the chocolate is EVIL!! i hope your feeling better now and got past the horrible day you had! thinking of you kim
on 2/12/07 10:46 pm - Babylon, NY
WOW! Dawn- UN believable. I have had DirectTV over 3yrs now- even moved with it- no problems- with the receiver etc. I had it before they were bought out by the company that heads them now- and I always thought- what a great service they are and how much I LOVE having Tivo. I'm sorry to hear you're having problems- but if its not the phone company- its gonna be the cable or direct tv! I commend you for realizing it's about choices and not choosing to salve wounds and anger with food- I know it was extremely difficult. I hope you took a good hot bath or had something healthy and warm ( soup?) I hate it when just doing something SIMPLE turns into a major deal and adding insult to injury with each attempt at resolution. I think Im glad I've kept the same 2 receivers all this time. Today is a new day- new perspective. If you need any help- just threaten them with "I've got a friend in NY who will kick your butt- and you know how NY'ers get !" So either resolve the problem or talk to her!! Sometimes it also helps when you mention you are going to have your attorney sue them. THAT also gets attention with results. I wish I could help ya more. Keep Smiling! Donna