Anyone miss me? My Anemia Saga
So, I've been sicker than a dog for months now because of anemia. I spent four weeks on the couch or napping, too tired to do anything. It effected my mind so badly, I had to stop trying to cook or I'd set the house on fire.
I finally ended up in the hospital getting a blood transfusion ( 2 units ), while I waited around for tests to get scheduled and an appointment with a hematologist. It seems only a hematologist can order an iron transfusion, which is what i needed.
Thanks to my RNY, I can no longer absorb any sort of iron orally. Not one of the seven types of iron supplements I tried made a difference. So, I get to have iron transfusions for the rest of my life.
While I'm glad I've lost weight thanks to the RNY, I think I will always regret the surgery now. I could handle the vomiting, the dumping, but not the anemia.
Please, everyone, keep getting your labs done. It seems your body keeps changing right along with you.
Oh Torrey, I'm soooo sorry! Did you ever have problems with iron levels before? I'm wondering if this is unique to you or a common post-op issue. Have you ever taken OptiSource? It's what my doctors have all their patients use (it's a 4x a day chewable) and for 3 years now they've seen great results in their patients' bloodwork. I offer this idea just incase you need the chewable - I don't think I've ever seen a chewable iron pill. Do they give you any hope that if you eat liver; spinach; other high iron level foods that it could reduce the number of transfusions you would need? I hope something helps - I don't think I'd like the tranfusions anymore than you do.

Sorry to hear about your dilemma...I'll offer some hope for you...
Let me explain this, I have always been iron-deficient (since I was a little girl). For whatever reason, my body never retained iron. Then, with the TOM throughout my adult life, it didn't get any better; especially that, since I have problems with constipation, I never took iron supplements, which only made things worse.
Anyhow, after RNY, it went from bad to worst! I too needed 2 units of blood on July 28, 2006 due to anemia. Since then, I found a chewable iron (27mg each chewable tablet--which actually tastes pretty good). "NATURE'S PLUS HIGH POTENCY CHEWABLE IRON" with Vitamin C and Herbs, 90 tablets bottle. (Regular price $9.95).
I take 3 daily (which give me 81mg of iron, plus whatever I can get from food--if any) and, let me tell you, my levels have been great! I keep checking my blood every 3 months and, so far so good! (Knock on wood)
You may want to give it a try. It's better than getting iron IV/transfusion. You can get them from (they even have a 20% offer on $50 purchase through the end of this month)
Hope this helps you too, if you decide to try it. Keep us posted.
Best of luck!
I never had any iron problems prior to surgery. The conclusion after all the testing, is I'm not absorbing any iron orally. I tired every kind suggested. I was taking over 100 mg every day of the BA Chewable iron and Vit C for a while. Levels didn't change. Right now I stuck with the infusions.
Hey Torrey... Sorry about your bad luck. I believe I am anemic also, but I haven't had labs done in a long time. I was sceduled to have them done in August, but I am going next month. I am basically lathargic 24/7, unless I drink coffee and/or tea, and my hands and feet are always cold. So, I don't know yet. Hope you do well and best of luck in the future!
Hi Torrey- I'm sorry you are so hurt and negative with the surgery and anemia. Before everyone jumps on me- I have been anemic- since before surgery- and I have posted
messages about it- even in your last posting on this subject.
I too have gone thru transfusions- for 8-9 weeks. I told you- I had the hemocrit & hemoglobin of a 12 yrold- what were your levels? My surgeon also had us coming into his office for a year- then coming in quarterly- and with me anemic- he kept me 5xtra months. They knew I was amemic before surgery- & didnt make any corrections. Post surgery- absorption was THE issue..My surgeon- Shawn Garber- is one of the top 100 surgeons in NY. He found another iron pill- Protiva- Its a 28 day- one pill aday. Ive taken this successfully after my infusions last May ( 1x so far). Maybe you should have your doctor look into that pill if you haven't tried it.
Everyone was concerned with my energy levels- I admit when its TOM- I get very low and rest more- i don't work out then- and I return to my normal self. But I workout everyday now and IM 50!! - which surprises everyone- they ask me do I feel different? I just know my levels are good- and when my doctor does my blood panels- he takes 9 tubes of blood. And Im not trying to put yur doctor down in anyway- its just surprising how differently surgeons approach this.
After I had my infusions last Spring- I was told I would have to have them 1x a year
But then I began the Protiva- so maybe this will work for you too.