Thursdays Gym.....

Tammy H.
on 1/24/07 10:14 pm - Camden, NY
Good Morning... So glad to see more people joining in on the exercise with me... Who's next???? Today's exercise Treadmill 3.4 mph 40:12 minutes 2.18 miles 87 Fat Cals burned 280 Cals burned Have a great Thursday Everyone.... Tammy
L C.
on 1/25/07 1:13 am - Port St John, FL
Hey Tammy, Today is up in the air for me. I have a meeting at 2:45 p.m. that I will use my lunch/gym time for (personal) I hope to get to the gym this evening after work, but that is hard to do. We shall see. I will plan to do eliptical trainer at home if I can't get to the gym. I think that may be my best shot for today. It is rainy and cold here in Florida today. The chill is bringing me down for sure. Next week I'll be in Hawaii and may not be able to post my excerise times while on the cruise. However, my mom and I plan to walk the deck everyday together and that will keep me accountable since we will work hard to keep each other accountable. I also plan to use the gym facilities there as well. I'll post tomorrow to let you know how I fare today and what I do tomorrow. I have gotten about 16 oz of liquid so far this morning...finding it hard to get back to drinking 25 oz before I eat anything in the morning. Protein is still too low. I did make it to bed at 10 p.m. last night! Lori 293/183/150
Tammy H.
on 1/25/07 1:26 am - Camden, NY
Lori, I'm soooo jealous about Hawaii..... How exciting. It is absolutely FREEZING, here today... it is currently 11 degrees outside & we have a wind chill advisory for tonight into tomorrow. Temps will be 10 to 20 below with the wind chill. BRRRRRRRRRR. Anyway, I think you're doing awesome with your workouts & I'll bet you'll do great on your cruise. My sister just got back from a cruise & she lost 3 lbs. So that's a good thing to look forward to. I've drank really good so far today, 1 20oz coffee & 2 20 oz water w/ crystal light on the go.... Vitamin is done & need to take my calcium. 28 grams of protein so far too.... see how the rest of the day plays out. Not weighing myself until Monday. Take care Tammy
Mrs. G
on 1/25/07 3:01 am - E. City, NC
Wow, way to go Tammy! I slowed my pace down on the treadmill today, my thighs are sore from that stupid lateral thigh trainer yesterday. I did: 40:00 mins treadmill at varying speeds 1.84 miles 76 fat cals burned 229 cals burned I found the 8 minutes abs online and am going to try to do it tomorrow. *Note - TRY - I think that will kick my ever loving butt tho!* I haven't called and ordered the Chicometrics DVD yet, plan to do that today or tomorrow. The scale is being kind to me, altho with this sudden drop I full well expect to be stalled for a while now. I'm close to getting in all my water daily, but not quite there yet. My DH is still complaining about my low cal/low fat/low carb way of eating that I started almost a month ago, but if it works... My stats are High weight/surgery weight 269 Lowest post op weight 168 Highest at regain 192 On Dec. 29 '06 I was 190 Today I am 171 Surgeon's goal 163 My first goal 150 My ultimate goal 134
Tammy H.
on 1/25/07 3:08 am - Camden, NY
Wow, you've lost 19 lbs since the 29th of December??? What exactly is your low cal/low fat/low carb way of eating??? That's an aweful lot to lose at this far out. But, hey if it jump starts you back into weight loss, maybe I'll give it a shot. You're doing great...keep up the good work & don't get yourself sick. Remember, not to put a timeline on this. It took us years to get as heavy as we were & it will take a while to get us where we want to be. Tam
Mrs. G
on 1/25/07 3:39 am - E. City, NC
Yes, 19 lbs since Dec. 29th. I was intaking a HUGE amount of crap up until that day. (I blogged about it in my journal on here on Jan. 1.) I was really hurting myself inside and out. I'm positive at least 10 lbs of that was my system riding itself of water weight and toxins. I know I may be overboard right now, but I'm so determined not to have ruined this. I was sure for the last few months of the year that I had destroyed my pouch and my chance of being a normal weight. I quit all simple carbs again, no more pasta, bread, flour, sugar, etc. All my carbs right now are in fruits or veggies. I haven't managed to get in more than 800 cals in a day yet this month, most days are around 500, and I know that's low but it's so hard to make myself eat any more than that knowing how far off track I was and how badly I want to get this weight back off and then some. I mostly eat salads with lettuce, cukes, onion, and maybe a little chopped up chicken for lunch or dinner. I'm only getting in about 3 ozs of meat on a good day. Some days I'll eat an egg for breakfast. I eat green apples or a banana once in a while, probably 3 times a week. I'm using Smooth Move tea to help keep my system regular. (One cup a day.) I know I need to work on upping my intake a bit. Everything I put in my mouth now I worry over.