on 1/18/07 11:19 pm - Allen, TX
I am soooo excited!! As of today my BMI is finally normal at 24.9!!! I started this journey at 335 pounds and a BMI of 54. As of today I am 154 pounds and a BMI of 24.9. Its hard to believe it's been 18 months already and I am only 4 pounds away from my person goal of 150.
L C.
on 1/19/07 4:44 am - Port St John, FL
I am so excited for you...NORMAL!!!! Wow! a dream come true. Those 4 pounds will be gone before you know it! Keep up the good work. I still have a long way to go for myself and it is harder everyday. But, I am happy and have begun workout at a gym. It is so much fun, I wish I had joined before now...can't take back the past, so I'll just move forward. Lori 293/180.5/150
on 1/19/07 4:52 am - Allen, TX
I am the worlds worst person when it comes to working out. Dont enjoy anything at all about it! LOL. I just had some surgery so I keep telling myself that when the doc says it's ok, I'm going to start to work out...We'll see. Congrats on your success so far, and it won't be long, and we will all be NORMAL!!!
Lisa B (in SD)
on 1/19/07 6:53 am - San Diego, CA
you know, it's so frustrating cuz i've lost 87 pounds, wear 4's and 6's and i'm still not normal! mine is 25.4! it's crazy, cuz i'm at goal and look good, but still can't be normal! at least my body fat is in the normal range and that's more important, but still....... Lisa B
Dawn B.
on 1/19/07 8:52 am - Anderson, CA
Yeah!!! Isn't it hilarious the things that make us so excited! Only 4 more lbs.... weigh to go LOL... Dawn
Tammy H.
on 1/21/07 11:46 pm - Camden, NY
Good for you you go girl... Tammy