i got approved for plastics! AGAIN!

on 1/9/07 6:09 am - pickerington, OH
Hi everyone! i want to thank you all for your support when i was sad about the whole insurance mess. I want to let you all know that i did get aprorved from the new ins company. My Panni surgery is on friday feb 9th. i have to admit im very scared and nervous, as i have seen the hip to hip incision but as they say, no pain no gain! its out patient surgery. just want to update everyone! thanks! Kim
Dawn B.
on 1/9/07 1:46 pm - Anderson, CA
Hi Kim! Yippee!! Dawn 'What's important is not necessarily where you are, but in what direction you are going.' Oliver Wendel Holmes
Lee Ann
on 1/9/07 4:01 pm - Somewhere In, AL
I'm so happy for you, Kim. Is Panni the same thing as a tummy tuck? Did you get approved for your breasts as well? I go next Thursday for my 1st consult. Do you have any advise for me? xoxo, Sherry 276/149-154/140
on 1/9/07 7:07 pm - pickerington, OH
Panni is about the same thing as tummy tuck but the panni is only the lower tummy. a tummy tuck is where they tighten muscles and "sculpt" your abs, which is several thousand dollars more. i have heard that you wont be AS HAPPY with just a panni, but ill be happy about getting the lower removed. I will send before and after photos for all you you guys too. i did get approved for the breast lift also, i have no tissue left, only skin, so i am putting my money towrds the implants. It is 2500.00 more to get the implants but im going to figure out a way to afford them!! when yu go to the consult, have him explain the differances about the "extras" so youoll know if u want to get anything more than just the "covered" things. Be on top of everything, follow up with phone calls if people received things (like faxes, etc). tell them if you have had a rash, and if you didnt go to the dr and self treated it, TELL THEM you self treated it! i had small rash under my breast the day of my consult so that was good, lol...they WILL have you strip nude and take pictures of you, and the surgeron WILL grab your breasts and tummy like its "nothing" lol he was lifting my boobies up and everything, like it was my finger, lol...so be ready for that! i was a little embarrsed! And to anyone else who wants to see my before pics of my breasts and tummy, Email me @ [email protected] and ill show you. Its a little embarrsing but i know we are all in the same boat and are curious about other people to see if were "normal" lol..i havent taken the tummy pics yet, but i will if someone wants to see my tummy before. i do have the breasts pics AND you can see the rash i had (thats why i took pics... love you all ! kim
Tammy H.
on 1/10/07 12:13 am - Camden, NY
Kim, Congratulations!!!!! How exciting for you..... Only a month away.... Good for you. Keep us posted. It'll be interesting to see the before and afters. ((((HUGS)))) Tammy
on 1/15/07 11:39 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Hi Kim, I know you are scared but happy all at the same time. I know what you mean when you talk about the doc touching your stomach and breast. They do it like it's nothing. I went to a platic surgery last November and he said I would'nt be happy with just the panni. He said I really needed the tummy tuck and I have a hernia in my upper stomach that needs to be remove. Now the thing with that is my insurance will pay for the hernia and cover the hostipal and after the hernia doc is finish the plastic surgeron will do his thing which is the tummy tuck and he is charging 4 thousand dollars. If I was just having the tummy tuck the insurance wouldn't pay for the surgery. My company has change insurance this year they went back with aetna so I have to start over with the insurance thing. I wish you good luck with your surgery and I'll be thinking about you. Carolyn Jc C.
L C.
on 1/19/07 4:57 am - Port St John, FL
Hi Kim, HOw exciting!!!! The time is flying by (at least for me). I hope all goes well and let us know how things go for you. Who is your insurance company if you don't mind my asking? Thanks, Lori 293/180.5/150
on 1/19/07 5:19 am - pickerington, OH
Hi Lori! My insurance company for the last several years was direct care america or "americas ppo" they were by far the best company ive ever dealt with, BUT as of Jan 1st our new company is preferred one and they also approved it. : )