Tuesday's Exercise

Tammy H.
on 1/29/07 10:52 pm - Camden, NY
Hi Everyone.... How's it going??? How was the weekend for you? Mine was busy as usual... Exercise... Saturday...worked all day..then went to church & back home to relax & watch movies no exercise for me Sunday...mall walking...to buy my baby's 13th b-day presents Monday...busy..busy...busy... My sister & I are applying for Extreme Makeover (wouldn't that be awesome..all the plastics FREE?) so we worked on our application video. Wish us luck!!!! Tuesday... Treadmill...3.2-4.7 mph 40:10 min 2.16 miles 86 fat cals 269 cals 182.5 here I go, just like last year...start working out & gain 3.5 lbs... well actually I think it was more during the week last week, so I'm going down again.... funny how that works. Have a great day everyone Tammy