Fell off the wagon, need help getting back on.

on 12/28/06 9:14 am - McAllen, TX
I haven't been on the boards for a while. I was so gung-ho on WLS, following my diet, etc. Now, 16 months out, I need help getting back on track. I plan to go back to my support group meeting in January, but in the meantime, I need some motivation and a food plan to get me back on track. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks. Jackie 262/152/140
Joyce J.
on 12/28/06 11:23 pm - Scarborough, Canada
Hey Jackie, I know exactly how ya feel. I have been going through some rough times personally and of course food is always there to comfort us in out times of trouble. So I too and in the same boat and need to get back on track. Take care Joyce
Dawn B.
on 1/2/07 11:30 am - Anderson, CA
Hi Jackie, Happy New Years! Great knowing what you need to do and wanting to do it! You have all the tools you need - your basic meal plan from the beginning and a pouch that works. If you want to try something not so restrictive - try my doctor's plan - 3 meals a day - NO SNACKING - and each meal is 75% protein first then 25% anything else. Don't forget your water and vitamins. You only have 12 lbs to go - they may be the hardest, but you're so close... a little strictness and you'll be there. Here's to starting the year meeting your goal. Dawn 258/135 - at goal since May 2006
L C.
on 1/4/07 3:10 am - Port St John, FL
Wow, Jackie, Thanks for the post...it is a reminder for us all. The holidays were not difficult, but not perfect for me either. I choose to take a slight break and even though I did, I lost more during December then I have in the past couple of months. I believe the reason was due to putting exercise back into the regime. When I treated myself to a cookie or 2 (yes, I did) I made sure to get on the eliptical trainer and walk away the extra caleries. Then I joined our local gym and have started the new year with a vengance. I wonder where I would be today if I had started with weight training and more cardio at the start instead of 17 months out. Well, I can't get those months back, so it is just time to move forward and see what happens now. I do need to get back to the basics and get in more protein. I think I'll try the suggestion by one and go on 3 meals a day with 75% protein and the 25% of whatever else for the next few weeks along with excerise and vitiamins and water!!! Those are the keys to success. I need to lose 30.5 pounds to reach my goal, so I got a few more pounds to loose then you. Good luck on getting those last 12 off!!! I'll be thinking good thoughts for you and hope you'll do the same for me! Lori 293/180.5/150
Lee Ann
on 1/8/07 9:05 am - Somewhere In, AL
Those are some great suggestions that you received. I am weighing between 149-154 now. I would love to reach my goal of 140, but like you, I have fallen way off the bandwagon!! We need start posting everyday again on an exercise post. xoxo, Sherry 276/149-154/140