Me too... ss gift and cards in the mail!
Geez this year has flown by! I haven't bought one christmas gift yet, besides my secret santa gift.
I have got to get on the ball!
I haven't had time to fart lately it seems! My kids are driving me crazy with all the DRIVING I have been doing! I still have to make 3 fleece blankets, make my rum cakes, my cookies, make some christmas ornaments, oh yeah, and buy my kids some presents!
sheesh! I get tired just thinking about it. After christmas, I am going to take a vacation somewhere. Just me for a couple of days. I am so stressed right now it's really not that funny. I am trying really hard to find time for me but it's been extremely difficult. I have a massage gift certificate that I got for my bday in Feb that is still sitting here on my desk. I think I might use it after the holidays...
I am soooo tired and we have two more weeks of celebrating... ugh!
Happy Holidays everyone.. I love you all!!!

Im doing a little bit better than you are! I have most of the gifts bought, but have not even pulled the tree outta the attic to put it up and we are a week away. I am one that usually has my tree and house decked out the day after Thanksgiving. Dont know what's going on this year! Have a great holiday!
Hey Lori,
Stop and breath...I know the time is short, but you need a break, girlfriend. Even if you just take 5 to 10 minutes to just sit down in that favorite spot and take some deep breathes, you'll be doing better. It would be great if you could do this every day for the rest of your life, but do it for the next couple of days and see if this helps you get refocused and just plain appreciative of who you are.
Don't forget what Dr Phil says..."if you don't take care of your children's mom, who will?!"
Lot's of love coming your way, and cherished thoughts of your encouragement to me during this past year's plus more journey...