Holiday Drama
I'm so sorry about the Xmas cards. I've had a little too much drama of late. Lots of visits to the doctor. I went from thinking I was pre menopausal, to having borderline anemia. Two weeks ago I had my labs done again, and I now have severe anemia. Yet another visit to the doctor to have more blood work done and another fun little test. Turns out I have blood in the stool. Now I get to have a colonoscopy for Xmas.
I can't wait to find out the cause. I don't know if its a side effect from the RNY or something else entirely. Strange that it showed up a year out.
So I've been completely distracted, plus work like drama. I'll try to get to the cards this weekend, but know I'm thinking happy holidy thoughts about you all.
Merry Merry Torrey (281/177/160)

Oh Torrey, We all understand don't worry about the cards. Make sure you get well. A lady at my work that had WLS 3 years ago was hospitalized becuase of her low iron. She is ok now and she has to have iron treatments, her color is coming back and I talked to her and she told me she might be done with the treatment by the first of the year. I think she is working only part time. She was out for about 4 months or so. So take care and follow order because I don't think she does. She wasnt even taking her vitamins.
Hi Torrey,
Sorry to hear about the problems you are having! Being tired is bad enough but at Christmas time, we all need an extra kick of iron to boost us along. I hope that you will be okay soon.
Well wishes are being sent with tons of love!!!!! Don't worry if your cards don't get out for a while...we can continue the celebration into the new year for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love a good party and a card from someone we all cherish (you!) would be party time anytime it is received!
Lots of love coming your way,
Just a quick update. My most recent lab results showed my thyroid had gone whacky again; had to up my dosage of synthroid. My anemia hadn't gotten any worse.
No wonder I've been feeling like a wet cat stuck out in the snow. I haven't been able to make a full day at work in a long while. At least by upping my thyroid meds, I should feel a bit better for the holidays.