Hi Judy,
Retaining water has been an issue for me on and off for the last 4 months or so. When I up my exercise a bit and get my water in I'm usually back to slim ankles in a day or two, but I can't let up at all or I have to start all over again. I'm not concerned since it's nowhere as bad as pre-op, just annoyed!

hi Judy!
Funny thing! I gained 10lbs..to the point where My pants were too tight etc and I was exercising and couldnt figure it out- it turned out to be PMS and I gained it & lost it all int the same 9 days- I thought it was weird too .. ANd I was drinking tons of water- LOL
I think I was drinking & retaining more than usual.. so hang in- its probably just temp gainbut Im back to the 205 I was on 11/12- and thats cool with me!
I'm so PROUD of everyone who keeps monitoring their weight..it means we will never sabotage ourselves or lose our focus..
So just keep working out and drinking fluids. Today I began drinking Crystal Light sunrise again- hadn't had it since May..and threw in some Nectar Protein and I have to tell ya- the protein early this morning made a difference I could feel.
BY THE WAY- JUDY you are not on our XMAS CARD XCHANGE - its not to late to be added- just email me your snail mail address & I'll do the list on Friday