Liver Biopsy Results
Hi All,
Hope all is well with everyone. Life here is doing great. I got my results from the liver biopsy. Well, I know a lot of things I don't have, and the two things I know is that my liver enyzmes are elevated and the liver is mildly (Stage I) inflammed (no duh!). Any way... next Wednesday I'm have an MRCP - a MRI of the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver - in particular the bile ducts through them and connecting them. Since the nurse in charge of my program is very certain I've had 3 gallbladder attacks in the last year, there's a good chance that there may be an issue with the ducts since I don't have stones. Of course, I'll let you know the results of that test when I get them.
Still maintaining at goal!

Hi Dawn,
Thanks for keeping us posted. I have to get my liver enzymes checked again as mine are still elevated. Have you had a Hida Scan done on your gallbladder? Alot of times the ultrasound will be negative because of no stones, but the gallbladder may still be diseased. That's what happened to my brother in law.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
Maintaining NOT Gaining
Howdy Tammy,
I haven't had a Hida Scan. I've never heard of it. If the MRI shows negative and the labwork I'm doing that day still shows elevated enzymes I'll have to ask about it. I've heard of quite a few folks that the doctors finally caved and decided to take out the gallbladder even though there were no stones and found a totally diseased out gallbladder.
Thanks for the prayers.
I just had my gallbaldder removed and I did have stones. One thing that is interesting is that since they removed my gallbladder I feel so much better. I used to feel not so good after eating anything. I thought it was just part of this surgery. For the last 3 weeks I feel human again. My doctor is going back and removing the darn things because they cause so much problems. I went through 6 months of test and I recommend just have them take it. The surgery was fast and easy about 5 days real recovery and then you have to lay low for about two weeks. No heavy lifting. I pulled and hurt something and then took it real slow and now I am 100% healed in a months time. Hope this help you guys if you have any questions just contact me.