You've got mail!
I have a few questions? Can you post the guidelines for the exchange? I can't remember what the $$$ amount was (I think it was $20 but not sure) and do we reveal ourself when we send the gift or do we remain anonymous?? Is there a set date we should have gifts out by or just go w/ before Christmas? Thanks again for doing this.
Hi Lori - THAT was the best email I got!! Im ROFL You made my day yesterday.
My son is 21 and picking up and moving out next week. He met a girl on the internet 3 yrs ago, and they've corresoponded..He's visited her & her family twice- this past summer for 3 weeks, so my Holiday spirit is not what its been, and I really haven't handled being "single" at holiday time well, and now being alone..well its a good thing I have other things to focus on, but its always been hard on me..I'm glad I had the surgery, because the "old me" would gain 25lbs- not care and not be working out- with all the stress..
and even with the weight loss- I look in mirror and I had to squash thoughts that I'm unattractve and unloveable- because my body size is still large-208lbs. I thought I would be around 185/175 by now. Depression should be banned
Thanks for your email.. Can't imagine what to get my secret santa

I Didnt get an email from you. I dont know who my person is or anything! please email me again @ [email protected] and out obesityhelp in the subject!
Could you resend the email to me as well. My email got screwed up & will be installing a new version of microsoft outlook next week. You can still send it to [email protected] & I'll retrieve it through the road runner website.