Liver Biopsy
Hi All,
I think I told you that I was going to have a liver biopsy last Thursday due to continued elevated liver enzymes and low ceruloplasmin. The biopsy was easy - though I had to lay on my side on a towel for an extra hour because my blood pressure didn't want to get above 80/50. I was suppose to hear the results Monday (11/6) afternoon, but when I got home from work today the doctor's office called to say they had to reschedule the appt.
I'll of course let you all know the results when I know.

Hey Dawn,
I will be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way. How did you find out that your enzymes were elevated? I only get blood work every 6 months. My next round won't be until Feb. Did you "feel" it? I am just curious because I have been very tired lately. I think I might ask to have blood work done now just to be safe.
Good luck and lots of hugs sent your way!

In Feb. I had a low-grade fever that lasted a month and it was followed by my heart starting irregular heartbeats on a continous basis so I went into the doctor at the end of March. They did bloodwork to make sure the heartbeats weren't chemical related and discovered the elevated liver enzymes. They've been high ever since. They were normal at the beginning of Feb. when I had my 6-month post-op bloodwork. By the way... new appt. is the 13th.