Happy Wednesday Everyone
Hi Everyone...
Ok, bad me has been MIA once again. I really need to stick to my word & get my butt on here daily again. Let's see what's been going on in my life? I still am teetering between 179 & 184. Seem to think I may be here for a while (well I have been)... I'm ok with that, though. Well, most days I am. Sometimes I think we get that stupid "NUMBER" in our heads of our ideal weight & can't seem to remove it. Seems that if we don't hit it, we haven't succeeded. Then, we tell ourselves to shut the hell up & be ecstatic for how far we've come. The lovely emotional rollercoaster that we ride on. Last weekend I met my sister (from Maryland) at the Grand Summit Hotel in Mt. Snow, VT. for the weekend. What a beautiful area that is. We had a great weekend. We went to the fitness room & worked our butts off both Saturday & Sunday & swam in their outdoor heated pool & jacuzzi in 37 degree weather. Sunday morning it was snowing on us while we swam. It was sooooo cool
. It felt good to work out seeing it's been forever since I've made the time for myself. Of course, I come home & work, work, work & no exercise. I used the exercise ball at the fitness center & really enjoyed it. I think I'm going to get myself one for Christmas & get on a routine with that. I can't even imagine finding the time right now to get in a routine. But, I'm working on it. I know that's the key to success. Next Monday, the 6th, is me & my husbands 14 year anniversary. WOW do I feel old. We leave Tuesday evening for Green Bay, WI to visit his family. Should be fun. We haven't seen them in 4 years. I'm sure they'll be shocked when they see our girls. They've grown so much. Can't wait to see their reaction to how much I've changed. It's always nice to hear it again after this far out. I'm sure you all know that the glory of people constantly telling us how great we look is long gone. Seemed we heard it soooo much before it almost got annoying. Now, I love to hear it again... hahahahahaha
Well, I just wanted to say
to everyone & let you know how things are going........ Here's a new saying for us all to live by.
((((HUGS)))) &

Hey Tam! Glad to hear from you again! And glad to see you posting!
Don't ever worry about being too busy for this board. We all know what it's like to be raising a family and working a full time job! I know I do! If I didn't have internet at work, I probably would never post anything to this board because I wouldn't have time to sit in front of the computer at home!! It's always chaotic and hectic around my house. And I RARELY find time for ME!
I get frustrated with the fact that I never take time out (besides getting my nails done once every two weeks) FOR ME! I am in the process of planning a little get away. My best friend moved to Utah over two years ago. I think I might just hop on a plane and go visit her. I could use the break from work and from home. She had lapband surgery in June and is struggling. I want to go and visit to give her some moral support too!
Thanks for not being perfect! I would have to come slap you if you were...

Hey Tammy,
I've been off the boards a while too. My boss has been out on medical leave again and I didn't want to do anything to cause problems with a temp person here. He was an idiot!
Now that boss is back, I can relax a little and enjoy our posts more.
I, like you, have been happy and freaking out over this flucuating scale thing. I got down to 186 and am back to 192.5 then I go down a little and back up. It is wierd but one thing I know, I am truely happy for the first time in my life.
I had a call from that client I asked out back in May and his voice still does a number on me. I wish I could get up the nerve to ask if he is still seeing the person he was back then, but I think I'll leave it alone for now. He is the sweetest guy I've met in a long time. Here's hoping and praying for a miracle!
Well, it is good to catch up and see how things are going for us all. I'll try to post more and catch my journal up. Not sure I like the new profile yet. I haven't been able to convert mine over so I don't know what I will do.
Take care,
Hi Tammy,
Great to hear from ya as usual! You seem so happy and your head seems to be in a great place. I think that's a bigger sign of your success than a number on a scale. My family is orginially from Milwaukee (I was born there) so I have fond memories of that neck of the woods. Happy Anniversary and have a safe and fun trip!
Oh... How's your sister doing on her post-op journey?