Update on Abdominal Pain
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to give ya'll an update to my post from last week about some abdominal pain I was having. Last week, I had 2 maybe 3 episodes where I had stabbing pain in my lower right abdomon followed by a feeling of having to urinate really bad, only to find out when I got to the rest room that I didn't have to go. Well, I took my kids on a weekend trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to see my brother and his wife. We landed at 8pm and by 3am I was in the hospital ER with the same severe pain only this time it included vomiting and I could not walk. Long story short, I had a kidney stone too big to pass and too imbedded in my urinary tract to try to break up so they had to go in and remove the stone surgically. I got out of the hospital at 7pm Sunday night and the kids and I were on the 6a flight Monday morning back to Dallas so they would not miss any school! I now have to find a urologist here to remove the shunt they had to put in and for my follow up care. If any of you has sever lower stomach pain that does not go away after 10 minutes or so, call your doctor. Kidney Stones appear to be more common with WLS patients due to the way our bodies now break down the food we eat.
Thanks for all the responses to my original post!
Oh wow I know how you feel I have battled with Kidney Stones for the past 10 years. I can only say drink tons of water the rest of your life. I just had my gallbladder removed and had gallbladder attackes for the last six months. They hurt really bad , but when I had Kidney Stone they would bring me to the floor for hours and the pain was the worst.
Thanks for the update hope you are feeling better
Wow! That's not good on any front! I had a kidney stone about 16 years ago and it was NOT fun and have no desire for a repeat. I found out in August that I have stones in my kidneys, which isn't necessarily a horrible thing, but I sure don't like hearing we're more prone to them as I'm already prone to them. Isn't it amazing how many things are issues now because we LOST the weight. We spend years hearing that our problems are due to being overweight, so we finally do something to lose it. Now that we've lost it, we hear that our problems are because we lost it. It drives me nuts!!
Any way... feel better and I hope you find a urologist quickly and everything goes great!