Plastic Surgery Consult Yesterday
Went in and talked to the Plastic Surgeon regarding a whole lot of issues and concerns that I had. So glad that I did. Got lots of good information and also some that I probably didn't want to hear.
First, I am too early to have PS done. If you are thinking about it, but expect to lose more than 10+ pounds, than you should wait a while. Since I would like to lose about 30 more anyways, I will need to go back in 3 months or so.
Second, my insurance may cover my tummy tuck, but probably won't cover either the breast lift/implant or the brachioplasty (bat wing removal). Although, I have got some info in my record about shoulder issues related to the skin on my arms that 'might' help get that fixed. Persistance with the insurance company by the patient may be the way to go here. Got to keep trying when the time comes.
Third, we talked a while about the timing of procedures and how they would go. This PS does the work in his office/surgical suite. The tummy tuck should be done first since the recovery time is the longest. A week later, I could come back in and get the breast lift/implants and arms done together. Total time off from work would be 2 -3 weeks. Having the two procedures together will save me a little in the pocket book since I will only have to be have anesthetic the one time instead of 2 separate times.
Fourth, I asked about the breast lift and whether or not I would need an implant. I would prefer not to have anthing like that put into my body, but .... He thinks that when he takes off the excess skin, I would not be happy about the small size and shape of the breast without an implant. In all reality, I have always been very large breasted and would feel like a boy if I didn't have at least a full C or maybe even a D cup. So, I guess we are talking lift and implant to give me a natural looking breast again.
Cost is not cheap.... somewhere in the neighborhood of $18 - $20,000 for the 3 procedures if the insurance doesn't come through for me. It would be a hell of a Christmas present though I am thinking maybe I would wait till April just for things going on in my personal life. My husband has made comments about me getting the arms and breasts done. So, at least I don't have to convince him that this is a good idea. Will update you in three months or so when I go back in to see the PS.
WOW! Thanks for all that good info Eileen! I think I am going to wait until around February for my consult. That way I will be 18 months out and probably at a stable weight for a while. I am going to try and get at least the tummy tuck covered but I doubt it will be. I don't have rashes other than the one that keeps occurring in my belly button, and it's not that bad. I am seriously thinking about a lower body lift but it looks soooo painful and scary and a long recovery. I have 6 weeks of vacation every year but it's cumulative so I only get 20 hours per month. I have to build it up and thats hard to do with kids and appts and such. SO... right now I have about 80 hours. The other issue is taking that much time off work. If I am off for any longer than 2 weeks, I will have to get a sub. I can't leave my work to pile up for that long. I do accounts payable for a school district so I have alot of stuff that I can't put off. I also am the purchasing manager and am the ONLY person in the district who is qualified (only because the other person refuses to help anyone but themselves) to print purchase orders and approve orders. Sure there are other people who COULD do it but they won't... that one person in particular..
But, it isn't in HER job description... Ok, I went off on a tangent there for a min...
Can you tell that SHE frustrates the heck outta me??
Anyway, thanks again for that great information.

Hi Eileen,
That is really great information. I have about 30 to 40 pounds to go, so I'll wait a while before I go in for a consult too. Although these ugly arms of mine are really getting to me. I wish I could get them done now! I can stand the stomach and boobs, but these flapping wings have got to go!!!
Keep us posted and we'll keep you in our thougths too.

Thanks for the info. Even though I still want to loose 30 more lbs, i'm going to go ahead and have the consult. I want to find out about insurance, recovery time, what can and can't be done. I have an appointment on 10/11.
My main concern is the time out of work. I stress over the 2 weeks for RNY.
Torrey (281/182/160)