Wednesday's Exercise
Good Morning fellow LOSERS.....
Hope your week is going by quickly. Seems like it's taking forever for me. Didn't get a chance to post yesterday or exercise for that matter. Probably no exercise for me today either because it's pouring rain outside & it's supposed to continue ALL DAY... Yippee for Central New York. What a wonderful day for a birthday
. Yup, today is my 39th Birthday. Can't believe it's my last year in my 30's. I was thinking back on how I was speaking with a friend on my 30th b-day telling her how I always said by the time I'm 30 I wanted to be in the best shape of my life, be settled with my family etc etc. And none of it happened by 30. I recall her saying, well maybe by 35. Well, I can finally say by 39 I'm finally in the best shape of my life & loving life.
Hope you all have a great day.....

Hi Tammy! Just wanted to wish you the best birthday ever!!!!
may al your dreams and wishes come true!!
Got a lousey cold so no walking for me the last couple of days! still @ 190! But I'll take that! Beets gaining I gess hu?!! I do hope everyone is doing great! Have not been posting for a while. Work has been very busy! Then my son going back to school and all. I have today off and wanted to check in at least! Im still here!! LOL
welp, its off to the laundry room!! Talk to ya all soon!!

Sorry for the be-lated birthday wishes, Tammy, but I do hope your birthday was fun!!
I had a funeral to go to on Wednesday for a dear friend who finally lost her long battle to cancer. She had it for over 15 years and the last 3 it had gone to her liver. Usually you only live for about 6 months if they find liver cancer, but she fought to the very end. I didn't get any exercise in on Wed. But Thur was a better day for me.
I did my swivel exercise in my chair for about 10 minutes and took a nice walk. It was a beautiful day here in Florida. Not too hot and the walk was really nice in my new neighborhood.
I hope to get in another walk this evening and do more of the swivel thing. It seems to be helping. I seem to have gotten through another hump and have lost -1.5 pounds since last weekend.
Here's to following the program!!