Monday's Gym How We all Doing???
Good Morning To Everyone.....
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was good. I decided, on a whim, to let the girls have a sleep over party on Saturday. We had 11 teenagers here. It went very well. I went to bed at around 11:30 & didn't hear much from any of them after that. I didn't get any exercise in yesterday, but did get up in the chilly 40 degree weather (
winter is fast approaching) & rode the bike for 3 miles. It was like 5:45 this morning & still dark out. Can tell it's almost time to set the clocks back. My weight is doing good... Think I broke the teeter totter of 182-183.5. I was 178 this morning. It'll sure be nice when I can say Good Bye to the 180's forever
.... Not yet, though, I'm sure.
I've had some wow moments lately. I bought a pair of levi's 515 boot cut jeans (extremely comfortable) in Maryland last month, size 14. I tried on both 14 & 12's & figured well, the 12's fit, but were a little snug, so I went with the 14s. WELL.... should have taken the 12s because I'm constantly hiking up the 14s & they're really looking baggy on me. I went to JC Penneys last week & slid on a very comfortable pair of 12's. Yesterday, I stopped at Fashion Bug just to see what their Fall line was like & decided, what the heck, lets try on a couple of pairs of their LA Blues Boot Cut Stretch Denim jeans. Low & Behold, I fit into both a 10 & 12. YES, I said a 10!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOO. They didn't feel tight at all, I think because of the stretch in the denim. They did look a little tight though. Think I may get them just because I don't think it'll be too long before they look GOOOOOD.
I'm in total shock... Never in my life would I ever imagine wearing a 10. I believe I said I'd be happy in a 14. YIPPEEEE...... Especially, not when I'm very quickly hitting my 39th B-Day.... (the 13th of this month)
I do want to make a special note to HONOR and REMEMBER all of the Hero's & victims of the 9*11 tragedy 5 years ago. I certainly remember the events of that day like it was yesterday. I hold the utmost respect for everyone involved during that time & all of those women & men who continue to fight for our freedom and protect us including all of our Military, Firefighters, Policemen, EMT's etc etc etc.... Each & everyone are hero's.
My sister & I went to see The World Trade Center movie yesterday. It was an amazing movie. It just really puts things into perspective of that terrible day. May God Continue to Bless America & protect each & everyone of us.
((((HUGS)))) &

Hey Tammy,
I noticed that no one had commented for Monday, so I thought I would let you know that I have decided and have begun to exercise again.
Saturday, I was watching one of those infomercials on a new exercise thing called the Red Exerciser. It is basically a stool with a lazy susan on it and hanle bars out to the side. I went online yesterday to see how much it was (they were offering it for $14.95 for 30 days on the commercial). I couldn't believe it was $174 w/shipping and handling...for a bar stool basically that swivels.
I thought to myself that I could do that in my computer chair and hold on to the desk for my handle bars. So yesterday, I gave it a try. How in one minute I was really feeling the burn. It is like doing the twist from the 60s and it was sort of fun. (You know me, I hate exercise.)
Anyway, I am now going to incorporate this into my routine and try to work up to 30 minutes a day at least 3 times a week. Then I am also going to get back to working out on the elliptical trainer.
This morning I weighed in at 192, so I lost 2.5 pounds since Sunday. I think it was because I decided to workout, stayed on the protein kick, didn't have a snack yesterday evening and I must admit that I did dump last night for some reason. Not sure why. I also got all my water in yesterday.
Hope you have a great day today.
293/192 Century Club member!!/135
Hey, that's a great idea. I never thought of the twisting motion in the desk chair. Hmmm, may have to try that. Great job on the weight loss. I'm starting to teeter again. 178-180 this time. Funny how our bodies work.
Glad to hear you're exercising again. It does make you feel so much better.
Have a great day
HAPPY CENTURY CLUB.... did you put in for your card? I still haven't. Let me know if you know how to get one.

Size 10????
Welcome to my world sweetheart!!!! It feels amazing doesn't it? I couldn't believe it when I slipped into my first 10's.
It felt so good!
You are doing great! I am stuck at 163 but ya know, I would be happy to stay here. I am wearing 2 different styles of size 6 jeans and mostly 8-10 in others.
I can't complain. And I think I look pretty ok too!
Not much time to write today... work is HE**!
Take care and congrats!

Thanks Friend.....
I don't think I've ever worn a 10 in this lifetime.... UNTIL NOW THAT IS....
6's...............WOW...... You are doing awesome.
Hey what's your thoughts on the OH cruise for Sept. 2007? My husband says he'd like to go with me. Hmmmm, do I really want him to come
Have a great Day