Saturday Exercise
Howdy Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How's things going today??? Chilly, rainy day, here, but did get out & get a 4 mile bike ride in at 6:30 am this morning. Then I worked 6 1/2 hrs overtime. I'm done until Monday ........YIPPEEE
Anyway, this must be losing time for me (or teasing time hahahaha)... I was 178.5 this morning. Seems like I lose every other month or every couple months now. But, hey, that's ok.
Hope you all have a great day. My husband is going to one of his co-workers for a Nascar party tonight so I decided to let the girls have their own party. Not sure how many girls are coming yet. Hmmmm, am I going to regret this???? NAW.......... we'll have fun.
Until next time