plastic surgery consult
I wanted to share with all of you since you might be seeking plastic surgery soon. I had my consult yesterday. Thankfully I made the decision on what surgeon to see based on surgical skill not personality. He was a bit cold and blunt, but his surgical skills are impressive..
He pointed out that I didnt go from 330 to 150 without knowing that I would have issues with skin. He pulled, pushed, played with, and basically messed with the skin on my stomache for quite a bit. He made it clear that what I view as a fat roll, is basically just skin with minimal tissue underneath. I have thought that my stomache had too much fat left on it to have a tummy tuck. That just isnt correct. What I have is a whole lot of skin!!
He is putting it through my insurance to do a LBL, thigh lift, and mons lift. Basically from my bra line down!! He said my insurance is known to pay when there is documented problems as I have had. So keep your fingers crossed for me please! If all goes well then Ill have it all done the end of Nov. 6.5hr of surgery, 6 weeks recovery time, and a lifetime of happiness!! Sounds so good to me!
Amber M*
Hi Amber,
You look great! How did you make your picture change between before & after? Very cool. I play with idea of plastic surgery, but for me I expect that it will be classified as cosmetic and insurance won't pick up a dime, so I haven't gone as far as looking for a surgeon since I don't have the money. If money was no object though I'd be getting breast-thighs done. I look in the mirror and I still see fat stomach, fat thighs and really droopy breasts/butt. Oh well, that's what bras and clothes are for.
Good Luck and let us know how it goes.