Hi Everyone,
I've missed you all, but for whatever reason, I just haven't been in the right phase to be here posting. The last month plus has been going fine. Nothing really interesting to say except it looks like I may be starting to have gallbladder issues and summer break is over and I'm back teaching my junior high students. I maintained my goal weight up until school started when I lost 7 lbs to hit a all time low of 129.8 and then in the next 5 or so days, gained 10lbs! I have to assume it's mostly water, but it's put enough of a scare in me to try and refocus on eating my 3 meals a day and up the exercise.
How are all of you?
Hi Dawn....
So great to hear from you. Glad to hear you're doing good. Sorry about the gallbladder issues. I had my first gallbladder attack last Friday. Wasn't real painful, but wasn't fun either. I have an appointment with my PCP on Tuesday and will ask him then to order an ultrasound. We'll see what comes out of it. I wouldn't worry about the 10 lbs. I'm sure with work and all you'll get back to where you want to be. You've done great this far & I'm sure you'll continue to be successful.
My weight has been teetering for quite some time again between 182 & 183. I was back to 181.5 this morning so who knows. Exercise has also been off & on with all the mandatory overtime, but I've been doing good.
Keep us posted on how you're doing. It's always great to hear from you.

Thanks for the reply. My ultrasound showed no stones so I get to long any and all 'attacks' and if I have another bad one I'm to call the nurse. Realizing that I can go anywhere from tomorrow to never with another attack, it's still annoying. If there had been stones it would have been a done issue. A whole lot easier. As far as the weight goes... lost most of the water weight - now only 2 lbs over goal. Gotta love the rollercoaster. Sorry to hear you're still struggling with that landing. You still seem upbeat and that's great. Be sure to let me know what your doc says.