Sept 30, 2007 OH Cruise...hmmm
Hi Everyone,
My sister forwarded me an email which gives information on a OH Prescription for Success Cruise/Conference which is September 30, 2007 - October 6, 2007 on Carnival Cruises. It departs Galveston, Texas at 4 pm on the 30th & returns at 8 am on October 6th.
The prices are pretty good category 4a (inside) $689 per person/double occupancy, 799 per person/double occupancy for the category 6a (oceanview) & $939 per person/double occupancy for Category A (oceanview w/ balcony)
Was thinking this may be a great opportunity for all of us to get together.
$300 down at the time of reservations
2nd pmt ($200 per person) due on April 20, 2007
final pmt due July 10, 2007
If anyone is interested, I can forward the email or you can visit & click on the 9/30/07 OH Cruise.
Let me know what you all think

Hi Tammy! I first read this and thought- it was Sept 2006 and then realized it
was for next year! YAY!! I want to do a cruise-and from Gaveston- its probably
going to Mexico- and I love Mexico- so I would do this in a heartbeat-
And we can celebrate our 2YR anniversaries together!!

Another good thing is my 40th Birthday is September 13, 2007 & my sisters B-day is October 1st... What a way to celebrate the b-days...
The Itinerary:
Sunday Depart Galveston, TX 4:00 PM
Monday At Sea
Tuesday At Sea
Wednesday Montego Bay, Jamaica 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Thursday Grand Cayman 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday Cozumel, Mexico 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday At Sea
Sunday Galveston, TX 8:00 Am
Sounds like a blast doesn't it? Now I jost gotta come up with the $300 deposit..... hahahahaha
That does sound like fun Tammy!!! I had such a great time in Pa to.
The only thing for me is I probally cant get that week off. I work at the high school and follow a school schedule. Usually If I need to I can take a day or two, but a week..........
Also I will be having my TT and arm lift next summer (as soon as school is out) so my extra pennies will be going for that. My ins should cover the TT but not the arm lift, so it will be arround $7,000, $11,000 if the ins for some reason denies it.
Do you think you guys will go to the PA event next year? I think it says May 2007 on the events calendar. Let me know!!
Hey Kathy,
I just checked out your new pic on your profile... YOU LOOK WONDERFUL... September is a hard time, for some, to get time off. How fun would it be, though??? Good luck with all your plastics. You'll have to keep us posted on your progress. Debbie talked to Monica the other day about the PA OH event for next year & apparently, as of right now, they're not having one in PA. Even though Magee had said they would, apparently, this past one didn't genereate enough patients. We'll see, though. Deb is still working on an OH event in Syracuse for next Spring. We'll keep everyone posted on that.
Nice hearing from you.
Hi Kathy,
I agree with Tammy, you look wonderful!! Don't you hate being a teacher sometimes? I teach junior high and I would love to go on any number of themed cruises, but they're ALL during the school year and getting the time off (though a week would be a bit hard) isn't the problem, it's paying for the substitute that is! That makes my cruise prices a $120 day more than the base cruise price.