Happy Anniversary everyone and thank you all!
August is slowly coming to an end. We have all, well most of us, had our one year anniversaries! Congrats to all of you! Thanks for all the kind words and well wishes!
I love ya all!
I will post a reply to everyone at the same time. I got so many nice responses, I wanted to make sure I let each and every one of you know that I appreciated every reply!
I am back from vacation,
unfortunately. I hate being back to work, but love being back on the boards!
I posted a new pic on my profile. It's the same one as I have here now but bigger so you can actually see me in my size 8 levi's!
I actually bought a pair of size 6 Levi Straus Signature jeans from Wally World over the weekend. I wore them out on Saturday evening! Yes, they are a little snug, but I got them on and zipped and could actually bend over and tie my shoes still so I wore them out anyway!
I got propositioned by a cowboy too! Whoo hoo!
Of course I was verrrrry flattered but told him that I was married. He made my night though!
My one year appt went well. I posted about it on my profile. I was paraded around the office like a movie star!
I loved it! I am a success according to them. Most lose around 70% of their excess weight at one year. I have lost 84%!
I found out that their goal weight for me was 166lbs. Well I weighed in at 163.5 on their scales so I guess I beat their goal!
I go back in February for my 18 month check up. No plastics referral yet. But I am workin on that. I am going to try and get my PCP to refer me. She is all for it so we shall see.
Wish me luck!
Anyway, thanks again for all the kind words. Congrats to all you losers on your anniversaries!
I love you all and wish you much success in the future. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!
281 pre-surgery weight/163 current weight/166 surgeons goal/140 my goal!

What can I say?????? We'd all be lost without our Lori
I just got back from vacation too. It's so hard to get back into working, buuuuut that's life right? Congratulations on your wonderful weight loss surgery success. You're awesome
Wow, size 6 HOLY SMOKES
GOOD FOR YOU...... Hey, I went to the levi's store in Maryland & found a pair of the levi's you always get. They were on sale for 19.99. I am kicking myself cuz I didn't get more than 1 pair. I got 14s, wore them once, then the 2nd time they were lose. Tried the 12s & they were snug so I didn't get them. Should have. I washed them in ho****er so we'll see how they fit today. They truly are the most comfortable jeans I ever wore... Thanks for sharing that with us.
You're doing so good with your weight. I've been stuck, once again. Can you give me a sample menu of what you're eating daily? Would be interesting to compare.
Have a wonderful day & keep on CELEBRATING YOUR SUCCESS..... I'M SOOOOO PROUD OF YOU....
oh ya, i want to start planning an August 05 surgery trip for next year some time where we can all meet up. Got any ideas of where we should go or when? I will post something about it as well. Would be sooo much fun.
Read your post....if you don't mind, I think I'll copy the last part about "saying it's easy"...how true is that???? You look AWESOME
Well, gotta get ready to bring my daughter to the orthodontist.
((((HUGS)))) &

Hey Tam,
Thanks for the congrats! Yeah, I was shocked when I tried on the 6's. They were quite tight on me but I wore them anyway!
I will wait I think to wear them again until I lose a few more lbs.
Here is a sample of what I eat in a day:
24oz non-fat sugarfree hazlenut latte on the way to work
6oz yogurt, Carb Freedom, with about a handful of flax seed cereal
Lean Cuisine for lunch, or a salad
2 cheese sticks for a snack or a piece of fruit
Dinner is usually some kind of meat, usually chicken about 2 oz, rice or potatoes (about 3 tablespoons if that) and a veggie (1/2 cup approx)
My evening snack is usually popcorn, the low-fat kind, or a piece of fruit
Some days it feels like I eat all day long! But I think my calories are at about 1000 or less usually. And I don't always get in my water. AND.... lately I have been forgetting my vitamins and calcium! Bad Lori!!
I would love to plan a get together next year. I don't know where a good spot would be that is convenient for all. I am willing to go anywhere! Should be somewhere fun though huh?
Vegas would be fun, but it can be expensive to get there these days.
Hugs back atcha!