my 1st year!!
Hello all my wondrful August buddies!!
I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for all your support through this first year!I have gone from 287lb to 190! Gone off my meds for high bloodpressure,3 for diabetes,and my high colorstial (sp) is normal!! This has been such a wonderful year for me as well. Anyone reading this post who is pre op,like everyone has said, this is the most wonderful gift I could give my self, my life back! I can swim, ride bikes, walk for days etc. and keep up with my wonderful son whos 8. he loves his mom playing with him now and not jus****ching him!! I was lucky and had no problems at all after surgery.I still have 30 more lbs to go and If I dont loose anothr ounce Id be fine with that!! Reading all your posts almost daily has helped me so much to keep on track.
Tammy, what can I say!!! Your awsume sweety pie!! Thankyou so much for helping everyone going with excersice! Anyways enough of me babbling on and on!! You all rock!!!!!!

Happy 1 year to you
................ This has been an amazing journey. I know I could not have done it without all of you. I'm so happy for you and your sons growing relationship. I know it's wonderful to be able to do so much with my girls...
Keep up the great work & remember I'll always be here. You all keep me motivated as much as I motivate you.