A Little MIA..Need Help this week

Hey Donna, hang in there. I understand about TOM. I have always been one to eat just before I start my period. At first after this surgery, that went away, but I find now that I want to graze more before. Also, my desire for chocolate just before has returned. Got to have it -- so get sugar free at least. Not lower in calories, but doesn't make me sick.
Also, before I had surgery, I was starting menopause -- hot flashes, periods every month but some heavy some very light, night sweats, etc. After surgery, all my symptoms stopped and my periods were 'normal' again. But, here at 1 year out, I am starting to get the sweats again and I know my moods have been swinging some. I warned my husband that he had better watch his step! Anyways, I had heard that estrogen is stored in fat cells and when you "explode" or shrink all those cells with quick weight loss, the estrogen floods back into your body. One of the reasons that women get pregnant after having this surgery if they are not careful! I have always figured that is why my menopause symptoms got better for a while. But they seem to be starting back now with a vengence. Oh well.
I understand the part about your son, I have one that is 22 and is not going back to college... desparately wants to move out on his own, but doesn't make enough money to do that. He has been miserable and is making me a wreck in the process. Thinking about joining the service (US Marines is his branch of choice) or the police department. I am just trying to take a deep breath and deal with whatever comes.
Stay on the journey! you are doing great. Get back to exercise and eating right. Everyone has an off day/week. I sure have!
Hi Eileen-
thanks for your support.. I haven't been feeling myself lately- and this past Wed
I went for an endoscopy and now have an ulcer- which is more painful than the one I had as a pre-op, for some reason..
I have no clue about my menopause sympotms- I guess I should be glad I have none.
My surgeon told me- that women gain testosterone and men gain estrogen the more they increase their weight- so with losing weight- I thought I would be decreasing estrogen- but NO- its the testosterone thats leveling off- and the estrogen thats in the fat cells- well there is just less of it- from what I gather..
My desire for chocolate or pizza etc is not what it was- thats not my problem..I still routinely do not eat bread- or drink caffeine or drink soda..and Im very selective if I have anything with sugar in it..I really think I became sugar addictive when I was young and..when that sweet tooth does strike- one of anything is okay with me.I routinely eat sugar free or "no sugar added" stuff- which I also double check...my problem was always portion control- and there are days- when I come home from the gym- and just wanna eat pancakes - eggs & sausage..I might even order that at a diner- but will eat the eggs first- and some of the rest- but i could push myself to graze
and now- I just dont want leftovers- I leave my extra food ..
But now with this ulcer- Im trying to be positive- and think that okay- the medicine is working- but Nexium works differently than prevacid apparently- and Im trying to adjust..Im trying to keep it light- but boy- you do take for granted that your pouch is working well..so be careful with overdoing it.
Hey Pat- this is you? Of course it is
.. I was really depressed when I called - as you know.ANd my cell is out temporarily- you can reach me at my home number- I'll email it to you.
Long story short- I have an ulcer now. The ***** of it is- he wrote an Rx for Nexium- all good- except the ins company didnt want to pay $172 and it took me sevral emails, 2 calls and the pharmacy calling- to get the Rx approved-Aetna wanted to talk to the doctor- after telling my pharmacy they couldnt find me in their computer.. and I wanted it before the holiday weekend. I did finally get the Rx approved- at $50 my cost- and the docs office gave me 2wks of samples..So thinking I felt "myself today" I headed out to the gym- did a solid 45 min workout- and felt it. Really crappy weather outside..tonight I ate Chinese food- and usually have no problems- but for some reason- my stomach was hurting after and threw up. I was afraid Id begin dumping..so Im going to remember tums before I eat..maybe it was just too spicy- who the hell knows now?
Anyway- thanks for finding me here..I appreciate your concern..you are a great friend.
hugs, xoxo Donna