Happy Surgeriversary to Everyone!
I haven't been on the boards for a while, really busy working. After a long day on the computer, the last thing I feel like doing is getting back on! But I have missed all of you! I also notice that I'm much more focused when I have your support!
So congratulations to everyone and all that you've achieved in this amazing year! What a journey it's been!
I finally joined the Century Club a few weeks ago! Of course, I promptly hit a plateau!
Yesterday, I had my first dumping episode! What a scary thing! The pain in my stomach was unbelieveable-- worse than a kidney stone or childbirth! I tried not to panic, but failed. Called my Doctors office, who basically said wait a while, called my son to come home from work and my neighbor to stay with me until he got here. I was never so glad to
in my life!
It was a good thing though! Made me realize that I'm not invincible!
I'm trying a new treatment at the Spa. It's called Ionithermie. Has anyone heard of it? It uses electrical stimulation and is supposed to break down fat cells, tone the muscles, increase circulation and lose inches. It was developed as a cellulite treatment. I figured it was worth a try to see if it would have any effect on all this loose skin I have. I've had one treatment so far and will have two more and then decide if it's worth the money (it's not cheap!). I'll let you know if I get any good results. If you want to check it out-- www.ionithermie.com
As I told Donna, be sure to let me know if you plan a get together in Vegas! I've developed a mild gambling addiction. It sure beats eating!
Of course, if anyone comes to Southern Cal be sure to let me know!
Again Congratualtions to us all!
Michele T

You look amazing!! It has been a while since I've seen you post and what a difference.
Please do keep us posted about this Ionithermie treat. It sounds interesting.
Congrats on hitting the century club.
I am one pesky 1/2 away from that goal as well. I will be treating myself to a message when I hit it. I have had one since Jan 2005, so I think it is a good reward for me.
Take care and continue toward your goals on this journey...