New Wardrobe yet?
OK, who's given in. Replaced their whole closet. I've buying things to get by so far. A pair of pants for work, some inexpensive tops, new bra, etc. But I haven't really bought anything I'd want to wear for years. I must admit, I'm so tired of my limited wardrobe choice, and the cheap stuff in it, it's not that much fun wear "skinny" clothes.
I will admit to a trip to the outlet mall a few weeks ago. There was a Lane Bryant outlet that I didn't even go in. I was a bit paralyzed figuring out just where I should shop. The one place I did score was Banana Republic of all places. I've never even walked into Banana Republic in my life. What great basics.
Anyway, I've about had it with Old Navy sale stuff. It seems like most of comes apart after a few months. I'm considering starting to buy the "good stuff". Things I wouldn't mind altering if needed in the future. Anyone else.
Torrey (218/185/160)

Hi Torrey,
I too am cheap when it comes to making my buck stretch. However, the one area that I don't skimp is on good bras. I will pay more for a good bra to keep the girls looking perky then get one that's cheap that lets them down
Although I don't skimp with bras, I do get good ones on sale and outlet malls and even found my favorite at Target for around $10. I have had to get new unddies, I was trying to make due, but found out that I am now a size 9 from a 14...although my big unddies should have long gone by the way side at 11/12s.
I have gotten rid of all my old clothes with the exception of the largest pants and top I had in my closet to compare as I down size. It is amazing to see these clothes and know I one time they were tight! I have 5 pair of dress slacks for work, five skirts, one dress, and about 8 tops. My pants for relaxing in have to go, they are too big now as well. I could pull them off without unbuttoning and zipping at this point. I haven't gotten rid of them because they are so cute. But, they are size 20 and 22 and I am wearing 18 reg now or 14W/16W. I am smaller in the tops and can wear med and lrg now.
In my entire life, I don't remember ever wearing regular size clothes. As a kid it was the chubby section for me and as an adult it was Lane Bryant and women sizes my entire life. This is so new to me. It is hard going into regular stores and not heading for the women's size section. I still feel fat at times, but my body is shrinking all the time.
Well, I won't be buying an entire new wardrobe just yet. I'll continue to shop at Beall's Outlet and the Outlet stores and have even found some nice things at our thirft shop in town for pennies. I am still getting smaller and just can't seem to waste the money for good clothes that I will be out of in 2 to 3 months.
Hope you are better at treating yourself then I am.
TAke Care and here's to the journey (one year out!!)

I know exactly what you mean. I have been downsizing all along and then wearing things till they are just about falling off me. Shirts can be baggy, right??? I usually get 3 or 4 pairs of pants in a given size (like a 20) and then wear them until I need a smaller size (like 16). I am still wearing a number of size 1X t-shirt type shirts even though I could easily be wearing size L. My arms are really big yet with lots of loose skin, so if sleeves are involved, I take a larger size for the most part.
I started out doing Dress Barn Woman for pants and shirts, but they are almost all too big now. Dress Barn is reasonable in price for work clothes. I have also started looking at the department stores in my area for their sales racks.
One of the biggest problems I have had is going into these stores and being absolutely overwhelmed by the shear magnitude of options!
I used to have one little section with very few options for the most part and now I have huge stores full of options!
Then I get asked what size I need. I usually haven't a clue and say so. Sales folks are not pleased with me. But I am working on it.
Like Lori, I do spend the money on bras. I actually have the sales person measure me and recommend a good bra. They are very sturdy and not very pretty, but do the job. I get only two and wear them into the ground. I am in desperate need of a boob job! My husband used to say I had cantalopes, but now I am smuggling tangerines inside a stocking -- but I am still wearing a 36 H, but could probably downsize again to a 36DDD or maybe even a 34DDD.
One store I did find that I really like some of the clothes at is Coldwater Creek. Not everything in there appeals to me, but I do like some of their stuff. I can not wait till my daughter comes to visit. We are going to take a trip to the local outlet mall and hit that store! I have been visiting the full priced one in the mall and know I could do better at the outlet!
I am also like you Torrey in that I hate to spend big money on clothes that I will not be able to wear in the future (at least I hope!). I would like to buy some better designer stuff since I now have the body that fits into them, but can't yet justify. I also will need to buy a winter coat -- I am wearing a size 16 and my old one is a 3x and wraps around me.

I'm finding eBay and outlet malls are best place for me right now. It's just frustrating, I want to show off my waist. I'm holding off on buying bottoms. But because my girls have pretty much stayed the same cup size, 44D to 38D/C, I'll always need a L top. So I'm indulging there.
I can't wear bottoms too large. I have to carry one of the blackberrys all the time for work. If I wear pants that are too lose, the blackberry will pull them down. Not the most professional look.
Torrey (281/185/160)
I'm right there with you. I had my surgery while I was off work for a year and a half working on my Master's degree, so there was no rush for me to go out and buy clothes. I was lucky in that I met a friend on OH who had surgery 9 months before me. Her mom would take her shopping every few months and buy her designer clothes...which she would then give to me when she outgrew them. Mind you, it wasn't a lot, but a few pair of pants and a couple tops. That came in so handy, but now we are the same size and she's not giving anything away anymore. So, this summer I bought three pair of shorts and a few tee shirts at Wal Mart to get me by. I wore my 26/28's as long as I possibly could, but it just got to the point that I couldn't, as you all well understand. I didn't buy a new bathing suit this summer either...still wearing the 26/28! One is fine, but the other, which is the two piece shorts and tank type of suit...well I have to be careful with that one as the top has a tendency to "float" up....LOL!!! I only wear it in my own pool when we don't have company...LOL!!
I'm a teacher and going back to work in a couple of weeks. I have 3 pair of slacks and a couple of khakis that are 20's and few tops, but most of those are long sleeve because I bought them in the early spring. I'm in 16W's or 18 Misses. I really need to go shopping!!!! AND SOON!!!
What is sad, is that I have two closets FULL of 26/28(some 30's) of "professional" clothes that I NEED to put on EBAY...I got rid of a lot of my very casual clothes at the local Goodwill or gave to my sister. But my sister gets offended when I offer her my clothes...I have to wait for her to ask me if I have any clothes she could borrow for this or that. I don't mind giving my clothes away, but frankly, I could use the money to replenish my wardrobe!
One good thing about being able to buy smaller clothes is that there is more selection on the clearance racks. My weight loss has slowed a lot so I should be ok to buy a larger quantity of new sizes. Not that I am happy about that, as I still want to lose 50 pounds.
I'm happy to have this problem, though!
Good luck!