One Year Ago Today
Tammy, big congrats to you on how far you've come. You look fantastic!. Like you, today is also my 1 year anniversary for surgery. Funny how life can make a 180 degree turn for the better. I started out at 347 pounds and am now down to 191. Excellent point in your post about our surgery being a tool for weight loss, and not a be all end all. Could not have said it better. I hope for continued success for you and everyone else here for years to come.
Take care!
Hey Jeff....
Happy 1 year to you too.............. Great to see new faces on this board..& a pretty darn good looking one at that
You've done great. Wow, the losses are so different between males & females with this surgery. over 150 lb loss for you...YOU GO
Thanks for posting... hope to see more of you on here

It is hard to imagine life a year ago...but not really. I remember feeling depressed, miserable, and just tired of life in general physically. I loved life mentally, though. I now love life totally.
This has been a great year for us all. At times it has been hard, but the rewards have been worth it! Happy annverisary, Girl! You rock!!!