Tuesdays Exercise
Hi All...
How's everyone doing today??? I'm doing great. Just got word that my sister's surgery went well & she's in the recovery room. Thank you all for your prayers. I can't wait to be with her this weekend.
No exercise for me today... as you all know, the mandatory overtime continues. I'm trying to do 4 hrs of OT per day to get it over with by tomorrow so I can prepare for my trip this weekend. My weight today 182-182.5.... still teetering....
Have a great day

I am back on the bandwagon today. My oldest started football last week, so the baby and I will hit the track once again with stroller and bottled water in hand.
Thank you all for your well wishes for my husband. He is doing great. His faith in God has really been renewed as has mine.
I finally got a transfer at work. Beginning this Monday, my commute to work will only be 30 minutes as opposed to an hour and 30 minutes. This is LIFE CHANGING!!! It will save me 2 hours a day on the road as well as tons of money in gas!!! Life is looking up and I am so very grateful. I missed your all!!
Put me down for 40 minutes this morning and 30 minutes this evening. I hate to say this but I would love some mandatory overtime so I can stop working 2 jobs!
Exercise hurray! I think I am finally in the "habit" of exercising. When I don't do it for a day I feel something is missing. Must break a sweat every day even if it is just 15 minutes.
I have some after pictures that should be up soon. Sent to obesity help for them to post. I have lost weight really! Everyone will see soon!
"Keep on trucking baby!"