I can find the time to exercise
Please don't flame me, I can't find the time to exercise with my bizzy schedule. For the ones who don't know my story I'm a single mom and I work 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Thats most of the time, some days I only work 8 hours like normal people do. OK back to the exericise problem. After I pick up my son from my mothers house we come home and the first thing I do is start preparing dinner for him. After dinner we work on writing his name, are spelling 3 letter words. He's about to start kindergarden in 2 weeks and we have to be really for big boy school that's what he calls it. So after that it's time to give him a bath and get him really for bed. I hope you guys don't think I'm trying to make up excusess but I really can't find the time. And I know it's not your problem but I just needed someone to tell. I'm not looking for sympathy I just wanted to see if anyone understands were I'm coming from. I worked in my back yard after work today and I fill alittle bad because I left my son over my mothers house 2 hours longer than I usually do so I could clean up the yard. That was my work out for today. I've tried riding my exercise bike but I can't do it every day because I really need to spin time with him. I not going to stop trying to exercise alittle but everyday I don't see that happening. My weight loss has slow down and it seems like I can eat alittle more these days. And yes I'm guilty of not drink enough water. If you flame me please don't be to hard on me just remember that I'm trying to be the best mother I can be for my son (Rolen). This is why I did the surgery this time is because I wanted to be around to see my son grow up. I'm sorry for the long post.
Take care Carolyn 284/188/190/ want to be 160ished or 150ished.
Aww, JC ..
No one here is going to flame you..You are doing a good job of that yourself.
Promise me you will stop looking down upon all your success and continue to see the positives roads you have chosen, ok?
No one knows better than me, what its like being a single mom.
I divorced my X when my son was 4- so at your stage- I had relocated , established my son in school, moved again, during the first month he was in school (long story) and stayed put for the first 6yrs. His Dad opted out of his life- so I pretty much raised him myself. That means teaching him sports, and activities, and reading, etc, and sacrificing a lot of my personal time for him. I was home raising a man, while many of my friends were out dating and hooking up. I just learned to cultivate a different network of friends.
But you know what? It seems like its never ending and that there is no end in sight- but you do have to make time for yourself- and the four hours you spent gardening ,Im sure did wonders for your spirit. I love gardening. My son is now 21, and believe me, not a DAY goes by, when I wish he was back in grammar school, and I could do it all again. Its more fleeting than you think and you will be able to enjoy MORE things with Rolen, than I did with Jason- as my weight fluctuated..and back then- in the 90s- was taking him to the gym with me, and leaving him with their day care.. One thing he does need to do- is develop social skills. So you should arrange play dates for him, and use THAT time for yourself and not food shopping or house work- that you can always do with him in the house. Giving yourself that break for 1-2 hours, is so beneficial and rejuvenating. The other option, and it may not be yours, is joining a local gym, maybe a 3 day plan. Bally's has a plan that lets you join, just for that club and its like $20
a month, but it is a 3 yr contract. But don't let that worry you- because 3 yrs from now you will look back and wonder where the time went- but your fitness and health will take you places you never went before. Trust me, it is so worth it to you.
SO, don't be so hard on yourself, I have that tendency too. Just remember, when you push hard, life pushes back 2x harder, but with your health and body and mind, prepared, you can handle it all, and enjoy it all, especially being Mom. Kids love being outside- take him for walks, the fresh air knocks them out. Go to a local pool on the weekends. You may not be exercising at YOUR level- but you are building your flexibility and having fun, and thats a good end result. I went on a rollercoaster last week- and it was the first since I was like 10, and my son was with me. It was exhilarating. My son & I had so much fun we did it again right away. I forgot having living in the moment fun. So you have BOTH to look forward to - your own growth and as your son grows- so will you evolve- and because of surgery- you will do a great job keeping up.
I will tell you- with this warm weather- drink more fluids- or have more ice pops or s/f ice cream- get those fluids in. Second- and Im still working on this- try to get in MORE protein. I try to get in 60-100 gms everyday. Im not always successfull, but I figure, as along as I keep swinging for it, I'll get there, and what Im taking in- won't hurt, Right?
so MORE is always good, and I think the longer we are out- the more we have to remind ourselves, protein keeps us healthy, everything else is second. The rules we adopt in this first 16/18mos- is what sets our tone for life- so remember you are building your future with the steps you take today.
So Chin up girl
and contact me anytime you feel you need it. AND remember, today is the first page of a new chapter in your life. You have the power to change at anytime. The rest is all unwritten.

Hi Carolyn
I to am a single mom Of a 8 yr old. I so know what you mean with working and takeing care of your son. Its hard I know!! This is what I do when I do my walking I take my son with me He loves it and we get the time together. HE either rides his scooter or rides his bike or we both ride our bikes. Also we swin together in the pool (great excersise) Let him help you in the yard! He would love to help you . Play some ball outside even if its catch. He would love that. I have a long work day as well but even if its only 30 min. I walk or ride bikes with my son. good for him as well.
No flame here!!!! LOL Cause I know what ya mean!! Good luck!! And take care,

Hi Carolyn,
The only flame from me is to tell you to stop flaming yourself! You are a busy woman, so give yourself a break.
I think if you do some of the things that Sheree suggested with your son in tow, you will get the exercise in. I also bet you get more exercise in then you think. One of my favorite things to do is shop now. I really enjoy going to Walmart and just walking around the store at first to see what is there rather then jumping right where I need to be. These super Walmarts are great for summer and winter walking and since I have to be there shopping, I take the long route rather then looking for the short cut. Shopping has become a favorite time for me and I do it a least once a week (grocery and personal item shopping). While I'm there I make an accuse to go to the other side of the store for extra steps. Walking is the best exercise and I love doing it when it is cool.
Also, working in your yard is a great way to increase your exercise. It sounds like it got a little out of hand and you had to spend longer then you had expected this last time. Make a habit of getting to it more often and like Sheree said, include your son in little chores, like picking up stray sticks, caring the trash bag while you get the bigger yard trash up. It will not only give you exercise, but precious time with your little guy that slips away so fast.
I love that you spend time with him helping him learn to write. That is more important in my minds eye than any other activity you can think of. These moments are precious and build character for your son. He will remember these moments with you more then any others, so relax and don't fret over the exercise issue, busy lady. Your doing great!!!
Hi Carolyn,
As you can see from all the replies, you are NOT alone and not a one of us is going to "flame you". In fact, I am a single working mother of 3, an 8 year old, a 5 year old getting ready for Kindergarten and a 3 year old. I have almost the same schedule as you, drop the kids at daycare at 730a, go to work, pick them up at daycare at 530p, then dinner, baths, try to spend SOME time with each of them and then bed. By the time they are in bed, I have about an hour to do dishes, straighten up the house and get things ready for the next day. If I wind up with any extra time, the last thing I feel like doing is exercising! And in this Texas heat, I have no desire to haul all three kids outside for a brisk walk! One thing that I have done, that gives me a little bit of exercise is while I am walking around the house doing laundry, baths, etc, I put some ankle weights on. Not much, I think they are 2-3 pound weights. I also get kind of stupid with my kids, dance around the house with them or wrestle with them. This usually exhausts all of us but it's killing two birds with one stone. I am with them and still managing to get my heart rate up. I know it's not much, but sometimes it's the only thing I can do to get my body moving.
Hang in there. You are doing great with your weight loss and you have your priorities in order by keeping your son FIRST!!
First of all.............. YAY for you & all the other single Moms out there that continue to work full time. I am not single, but sure did feel like it when my girls were young. I have twins, then had my 3rd daughter when the twins were 10 1/2 months old. My husband worked nights the entire time they were young. Therefore, he would not be home when we were up & out the door in the morning & would be sleeping when we got home. It was very exhausting. I kept my full time job as well. I remember coming home with 3 babies, doing dinner, baths, play time...then bed. I certainly was not in the mood for exercise either. The good thing with your situation is your son is getting older & he probably loves to jump around & play. Take advantage of those moments. Heck even if it's 5 minutes here & there it all adds up girl. Think of those times throughout the day & I bet you're getting more exercise in than you think. What about breaks at work. I don't know what you do for a living but you may be able to take 4 - 5 minute breaks & just walk around your building.
At any rate, remember to try to enjoy this time. Have fun with your son, time flies by so fast. I remember when my girls started kindergarten, now they're 12, 13 & 13 & in Middle school
............ The scary part is we all love to shop...
Take care & keep posting.... We would never flame you.....just support here.
Have a great day