Gym's 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Wow, I didn't post since Thursday....sorry girls.... Jeez I can't remember if I exercised on Friday or not. Saturday & Sunday we were at camp & yesterday we drove 3 hrs home, then I worked for 8 hrs. LLLLOOONNGGG DAY... but well worth it. We had a great time.
This morning, back to business. Went for a 3 mile bike ride. Got my order from bariatriceating the achievOne Vanilla nut flavor...yum yum. My daughter got her braces off today... She looks awesome. 2 down, 1 to go... hahahaha
How's everyone else doing?
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
July 8 186 yeah
July 9 185
July 10 184
July 11 185.5
July 12 185.5
July 13 - 17 185.5-186
July 18 185
July 19 185.5
July 20 184
July 25 183.5

OMG! I was getting worried about you Tammy! Glad you got back on here before we all called the search and rescue team.
I joined Curves. 30 mins Friday and today. Walking 2 miles a day the days I don't go to Curves.
I had my annual visit to the gyno yesterday, didn't go real well. Nothing I am ready to talk about, but I'm trying to come to terms with what I was told. I had blood work done and should know more next week, hopefully by then I'll be able to talk about it, right now I'm still trying to pull myself together. I know you ladies are there for me when I need to vent tho, so I promise I'll be coming here to talk when I'm able to.
Okay, my weight is WEIRD but that's ok. Right now I'm 174. Still 6 lbs higher than my lowest, but going back in the right direction!
TAMMY ~ you go on with your BAD SELF and your 183.5! WOOHOOOO! That scale is finally moving again for ya girl!
Hugs to you all!!!! BTW, my latest profile entry includes a thank you to all my August surgery buddies. I LOVE Y'ALL!!
Sorry to hear that your appointment didn't go well. Remember that we're here for you whenever you need us.
Didn't mean to worry you gals. Can't believe how fast these days went by. Don't worry about your weight. As long as you continue to follow the rules, exercise & try to destress somewhat you'll be just fine....
Oh...& you're welcome....WE'RE ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU..

Hey everyone!
Lets see... Oh yea, Friday went to the pool and swam all day. Sat. went for a bike ride and then later on that evening went for a 40 min walk. Sunday just rode my bike awhile . Monday swept and moped all floors, vaccumd the house did all laundry then went for a walk in the evening. Tues went for a walk for 40 min. Been adding flaxseed oil x2 daily 1000 mg to my diet. and it sure helps with the bathroom problems if ya know what I mean! My sister is home and doing very well. Good to have her home! I do hope everyone is doing good. Ive been eating right and excersising I don't know whats up with the weight!!! Still 192
any suggestions? HELP!!! LOL. Everyone have a great day!!!