Hard Times
It has been a few weeks since I have posted. My life has been turned upside down. I found out on July 5th that my husband of ten years has been addicted to prescription drugs for the past two year. Well, that explained a lot of the problems that we had been having. He went into an inpatient rehabilitation facility and stayed for over two weeks. He just came home and begins his outpatient treatment today. I have been so stressed. I have lost close to 17 pounds in these two weeks. I weighed 183 when he went in and I now weigh 166. I don't know what the future holds. I just have faith that God will see me through as He always does.
Hi Sherry,
I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I am having issues with my boyfriend as well. 9 years and 3 kids later, he is not happy and does not know if he wants to stay with us. While he is trying to figure out what is best for him, I get to try to keep all 3 kids from knowing what is happening to our family and still manage to work full time and take care of the daily houshold stuff. Ihave started losing again due to stress as well, but not near like you have.
Be strong. The fact that he was finally able to tell you and that he went and got help is huge. Unfortunately, you are going to have to be string enough for the two of you. He will need to focus on overcoming his addiction and he will be leaning on you a lot, but I'm sure you already know that. Your faith in God is the most powerful thing to have at times like this. I am tired of hearing that God will only give us as much as we can handle, but in my heart, I know that it is so true.
I will keep you and your husband in my prayers and feel free to email me if you just need to vent. I totally understand what you are going through.
Hang in there.
Sorry to hear what you are going through. My prayers are with you & your husband to get through this. I'm so happy that he admitted he had a problem and is getting help. Remember to take yourself too. Don't forget your bodies needs. You're going to need to stay healthy to get through this time.
May God guide you through this time in your life.
Ms Sherry... {{{{hugs}}}} I wondered where you went. I am sorry you have to go through this. But at least now you can say that you are on the upside of it all. Things will get better now that your hubby has admitted to himself that he has a problem and is doing something about it. I pray that things will continue to improve for you and your family. Remember we are here for you no matter what. Not just for weightloss support.
Take care sweetie,

Hi Sherry,
Hang in there and keep your heart strong. At least you know the problem now and can face it head on with your husband. I am very happy he decided to go to rehab. Hopefully, he can get straight and you can decide where to go from this point on.
I'll be praying for you and your family. You're right, God will see you through this. Keep the faith and know that we are here supporting you.