Thursdays Gym - Day 20
Good Evening Everyone....
Sorry this is so late... I could have swore I updated this morning. Must be I was thinking about it.... I'm wacko
..... Another fun filled day of work, exercise & running around. Got up & got my 3 mile bike ride in right away. Knew if I didn't do it early, I'd never get it in. Came home worked my butt off 6:30 to 2:30, then me & the girls went to the mall to get my daughters lenses replaced in her glasses... Somehow, there was a nice crack in them... who knows how that got there
. Took them an hour and a half so we walked around the mall. Of course the girls found some pants at American Eagle on sale so we picked them up. I did find a cute skirt at JC Penneys that was originally $44 on sale for $9 then reduced down to $7... Of course I scooped that up. Think I'll wear it for my nephews wedding in a couple weeks... (its a 14).... Got home around 7 pm or so & our friend stopped by to drop off their air mattress for us to borrow for the weekend. I'm sooooo sleepy now.
Hope everyone else had a great day...
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
July 8 186 yeah
July 9 185
July 10 184
July 11 185.5
July 12 185.5
July 13 - 17 185.5-186
July 18 185
July 19 185.5
July 20 184

Hey all!
Had a great day! Went to work then went to music in the park with my son.
great fun. No self defence though. They had alot of city venders ther giving away free stuff and food. My son loved it. The band was a moc of Neil Diamond. Gees he even looked like him. They were great. No excersise though just walking around alot. Sis comes home Sat! Had to rent a bed. A nurse and a Dr. at my work are giving me a walker, showerchair, and a potty for my sister to use. How cool is that! Otherwise she would have to buy these things! So expensive!!! So I'm greatful to get these things for her. Gonna be a hot one here in so. Calli today!! On my way to work and see what I can get into!! LOL Have a great day all.

Thursday was my first day back to working out. I had stopped for about 5 days while dealing with stress and a crazy week in general.
I walked 2 miles Thursday evening with my oldest son (DH is out of the state for 2 weeks). I'm still bouncing up and down the same few lbs. BLAH! LOL
Tammy that puts you back at 100 lbs lost! Woohooo!!