Weight Loss Slowing Down alot
Well It's been 11 months since surgery and my weight loss has slowed drastically. I keep gaining and losing the same 3-5 pounds. As of this morning I've only lost 3lbs since May. Overall I have lost 133lbs which is awesome. I would like to loose another 20lbs but not sure if I can. Has anyone else been frustrated with their weight loss?
Wow!! 133 pounds is awesome, but I sure understand how you are feeling!! I haven't lost any in 5 weeks and I have only lost 75 lbs!! I have to keep reminding myself that I have come a long way though! I have about 30-40 more to lose. I have been traveling alot so it has been difficult to exercise and all. I find myself grazing alot also. This is the first time I have checked the boards in months, so I now realize I need to keep checking it every day for that motivation!!!
I'm right there with you girls. I was doing so well, following my eating plan, doing what I'm supposed to do until about two months ago. I started slipping and now I eat bad stuff everyday. JUST the thing I couldn't ever imagine doing again! I have been lucky so far in that I haven't gained any weight back YET....but I know if I don't get a handle on things it will happen. I have lost 144lbs and would love to lose another 15 or so. But I've been at this same basic weight for about 7 weeks and wonder if I will ever get myself back on track and lose those last pounds. Ugh!
Hi Debbie,
Yes, I and others on the site are now feeling the "Slow Loosing" Syndrome since we hit the 9 to 10 month post-op point. It has been very frustrating, but I keep reminding myself that I feel so much healthier than I did 11 months ago. When I think back to a year ago, I was just trying to get around and be there for a friend who was in a terrible accident. That was on July 14th and the 2 weeks before my surgery were very hard on me. I was working an 8 hour day and then going to the hospital to sit with my friend. If a chair wasn't available, I stood and it was torture on me physically.
I was exhausted by the time my surgery date rolled around and felt like I could barely move. I remember that my feet hurt me so bad at that point I wondered if I would be able to walk after the surgery to keep blood clots from forming.
Well, I made it and I feel great. Even if I don't loose another pound, I am happy with my health at this point. Do I want to loose more? You better believe it. But, I go back and read my beginning post on my journal and it reminds that the reason I wanted this surgery wasn't to look better, but to be healthy, truly healthy. And I am.
Don't get discouraged...you are doing great. If the 20 pounds don't come off...and I think they will...remember where you were a year ago and how far you come. This journey has been tremendous and I would do it all over again to feel this alive and free and healthy!!
293/198.5/135 -94.5 pounds
Hi Debbie,
I was in the same boat. Lost 2 lbs in May & only 1/2 lb in June. I have, however, shown some movement in the scale this month (189 on June 30th & 184 today) Well I first hit 184 on 7/10 & have been teetering again. Guess that's just the way my body is. I am EXTREMELY pleased with my weight loss thus far (100 since surgery...107 since last January)....
Remember where you were this time last year & vow never to return
Remember this is a process & it takes time & dedication (I know I have to exercise to see and retain results)
Remember this is a tool & it will only work properly if you follow the directions
Remember to enjoy the journey.....Be proud of yourself... You deserve it
Hang in there...we're all in this together.
Take care

Well, I am SOOOO glad that I have some wonderful company. My scale, which is going to be drop-kicked out the window shortly, LOVES the number 236. I can't seem to get past that, due, in LARGE part, to my wanting to snack. I get so angry at myself after all this hard work, why in the world do I want to sabotage myself?
Anyway, I was reminded last night of how far I've come. I was in Wally World shopping for nylons for a function tonight, and I kept reading the back of the packages, noting that they only went up to 300 lbs. I kept thinking, "Hell, now what am I gonna do?!!" THEN IT HIT ME - I'M BELOW 300 POUNDS!!! DUH!!! Goofy me!!!
Since 8/2/05, I've lost 134 pounds, I'm off all my meds, except for Effexor, which keeps several of my co-workers alive, I don't have sleep apnea anymore, I can ride amusement park rides, I can fit into booths, and sometimes, even have to scoot the table toward me. I'm still obese, and haven't had a date/sex
in longer than you can begin to imagine, but would I take it? HELL, YES! My life is better than it's ever been, I have a great support network at home, in my friends and on this wonderful board, and I am on my way to being the best me I can!!!
Thanks for making me think,

Me, too, Debbie. I have not lost much since about March, but I have noticed that the way my body looks has changed. I am 230-235 and I am cool with that. I have never been this thin, and I am comfortable with the way I look and feel at a size 16 (I am 6' tall). And, I can ride in any roller coaster I want, and isn't that what is really important?

I am in the same boat the same 3-5 lbs up and down and minc is since late April/May as well. I want to loose another 20 lbs but have been bummed that I have not done so - I though maybe I had streteched the pouch or something (always a neg. though pops in the brain) and I feel like I am eating more over the last week. So maybe this is just in my mind since Weight Loss has slowed down. Keep me posted on any changes you have and what might have kick started it all back up. I am going to start with more protein when I eat - exercise more and drink plenty of water. Maybe I should find the pletau busters and try that.