With much sadness...

Mrs. G
on 7/19/06 6:10 am - E. City, NC
Me and my DH want to thank you all for your prayers for his dad's best friend, who had a stroke 2 weeks ago and had been in a coma since. Last night at approximately 1:30am, Bill's youngest daughter Mickey sat at the hospital holding her daddy's hand, and said "Daddy, I am here, and I will hold your hand if you need to cross over", and within seconds Bill was gone. While we are all so very sad, we know he is no longer trapped in his own body, and feels no more pain. I spoke to Pop earlier, he is holding up well. He said "I will be sad for a long, long time, but today I am happy, because Bill is no longer trapped in his body and he is with his maker". It's no wonder I admire Pop for his strength. I love you all, and again, thank you for your kind words and all your prayers. I believe our prayers have been answered, and Bill is back home. Connie
on 7/19/06 7:12 am - Bellingham, WA
That is so sad Connie. Give your DH's dad a hug from us. And yes, Bill is in a much better place for sure. No longer in any pain or any suffering. Big hugs to you and hubby too. {{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} Lori
sheree G.
on 7/19/06 7:36 am - westminster, CA
so sorry to hear about Bill. He is in a better place like you said.Give my best to your family. (((((HUGGS))))) Sheree
Clarissa C.
on 7/19/06 8:36 am - NC
Sorry to hear the bad news, Connie. We wish you and your family well.
L C.
on 7/20/06 12:31 am - Port St John, FL
Hi Connie, I read with sadness and love your post. I am so sorry for your loss and especially for your father-in-law. May he find peace and comfort in his memories of his friend as well as the rest of you. Blessings, Lori
Tammy H.
on 7/20/06 12:09 pm - Camden, NY
Connie, Our prayers & thoughts are with you, your DH, your father in law & all who were close to Bill. I'm sure he has been welcomed into eternity with open arms. ((((HUGS)))) Tammy
Mrs. G
on 7/21/06 9:28 am - E. City, NC
Thank you all so much! I've kept in touch with Pop, he's doing well. Me and DH have begun to drop big hints that maybe it's time for him to come be with us, to move up here where he has family nearby to help when he needs it and be close enough to see his grandchildren anytime he wants. Keeping my fingers crossed! He and Bill took care of each other, and without Bill I'm not sure how long Pop can manage on his own. I love you all! Thank you for your prayers and for being here when I need you. Connie
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