Wednesday's Gym-Day 19
Happy Hump Day to All!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you're all having a great week so far. I'm doing good. Thanks to everyone for the good wishes on my niece. She's recovering well. Still pretty sore, but that's to be expected. Been doing alot of overtime once again this week, but that's ok. Like I said, the extra money is great. Especially, with my nephews wedding in a couple weeks & our trip to Maryland next month. Not to mention school is quickly approaching... The school clothes get more & more expensive every year. It doesn't help when aero, hollister, american eagle etc etc...are so darn expensive. Yup, I have girls with expensive taste. Luckily, they go for the sale rack first....
Anyway, on the exercise front.... Went for about a 5 mile bike ride this morning then had an achievOne protein drink. Trying to kick up the protein some. Maybe the scale will go under 185 - 185.5 again. Who knows....
try not to stress over it. Can't wait for my sister to come home so we can measure, bet we'll both show good results. She's lost about 10 lbs while in Europe. Although, she's probably walked 10 miles a day too.
At any rate.....have a wonderful day
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
July 8 186 yeah
July 9 185
July 10 184
July 11 185.5
July 12 185.5
July 13 - 17 185.5-186
July 18 185
July 19 185.5

Hiya! You truly inspire me with those 5 mile bike rides! Wow!
The most I can ever do is my 2 mile walk....but at least it's something. It's all cumulative!!
I am walking again today. It is gonna be gorgeous here all weekend!
I am hoping to get to the river or something. We used to float the river when I was a teenager. It was sooo fun! I might see if my daughter wants to do it this weekend. My son is going on a 50-mile bike trip with the scouts.
We will see how he does... I give him credit for trying! geez! I couldn't do it!
I checked out your sister's profile. You two look soooo much alike! And you are both truly inspiring to all of us!
I love ya lots!
Take care and have a great weekend! I won't be around the next two days. I have a conference down in Seattle. Two whole days in a hotel room by myself with no husband or kids.... ahhhh bliss!
I will probably miss them like crazy, I always do! Maybe I should go shopping to make me feel better!
Anyway, again, take care...

Hi Tammy and everyone
Yesterday went for several short bike rides with my son. Gosh I love to ride!! Did not see my sisteryesterday though. But did call her twice. She is doing great! And will be we hope comming home this Sat! Shes ready to come home!! Been doing her physical therapy getting along slowly but doing good. Thanks for asking about her. Welp good news! Hopped on the ol' scale this morning and it moved! only 1 lb but I'm very happy with that 1lb!!!

Even if its only 1lb it keeps my spirits up and going!! You know what I mean?! Today my son and I are going to go see Pirats of the Caribian (sp) then go to the pool to swim. Then come home and bbq some chicken breasts and go for a bike ride I hope.I hope everyone has a great day!!Tammy, you are a busy girl!! But thats good. Keeps your mind busy hu , and off food! Works for me!!! I hear ya with the clothes for school! My son is only 8 and I can still get away with off brands with him!LoL But my older son is the same as your daughters!! Got to have the name brands. Hes into all the surf brands!! And can be very expnsive I know!! I know you must be very excited to see your sister!! How cool!! And Im glad your neice is going to be ok. Talk to you later