Sunday, Monday & Tuesday's Workouts..Days 16, 17, &18
Howdy Girls....
How's everyone on this fine Tuesday... or should I say HOT HOT HOT
Tuesday???? It's gonna be another hot one in Central NY today. Not as bad as yesterday, though, the heat index was over 100 degrees. I know all you southern gals are used to that heat, but us Northeastern chics certainly are not. It's supposed to cool down this afternoon though.....
Sooooo, how was everyones weekend & Monday???? Mine was good... we had a really good time with Heather (my stepdaughter) & her boyfriend. We went to the Mall on Saturday & the beach on Sunday. We got a call while at the mall on Saturday that my 17 year old niece was in an accident. She flipped the Jimmy she was driving. Thankfully, she walked away with only cuts & bruises. God was certainly watching over her that day because, by the sounds of it, the Jimmy is totaled. Sunday, was fun at the beach. We all played volleyball for about an hour or so...sweat our butts off, but it was fun. That was my exercise for the day.
Yesterday, I had to get up early & head to Syracuse for a couple appointsments. The first was with my gyn dr... had to get a re-pap because my last one showed some abnormal cells. Then I had to go to my surgeons office. I didn't see him in the office, but saw him in the waiting room. He gave me a big hug & said "You're soooo skinny".... I JUST LOVE HIM
.... I was 189 on their scale fully dressed. Which is right cuz it's always 3 lbs over mine. I saw Marcy, the NP, she said I lost 9 lbs since my last visit in April. Then she asked me what I was eating on a typical day, when I told her that I could eat a whole lean cuisine, she said that was alot. I told her it was the smaller lean cuisines and I have been able to eat a whole one for quite some time. Then I told her I didn't think it was really that much because there's barely 300 cal's in one of those. Then I asked her how many cal's I should be taking in because I really don't look at my total cal's for a day. She said she takes in about 1000-1200 & that's normal. I told her that even if I ate 3 entire lean cuisines in a day, I wouldn't get that many calories in. I think once she thought about it like that, she was ok. I told her my body goes in cycles with its losses & I only lost 2 lbs in May & a 1/2 lb in June. She said I was doing great. Sometimes, I get frustrated with her because her phylosophy less, exercise more.... I truly don't believe that's the way it works with this surgery as we are eating very little to begin with...
Anyway.............this is going on forever today.... My sister comes back from Europe this Friday....YAY
I've missed her soooooooooo much. Of course we'll be leaving on Saturday for camping, but that's ok.... We'll pick her up at the airport on Friday.
Ok..... Back to Exercise... Got up bright & early & me & my daughter took a 3 mile bike ride. She's starting to come with me to condition for Fall Soccer.....
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
July 8 186 yeah
July 9 185
July 10 184
July 11 185.5
July 12 185.5
July 13 - 17 185.5-186
July 18 185
Have a wonderful day girls........... GET THOSE BUTTS A MOVING

2 days off, how nice. It will be weird not working this Saturday. It's funny, I actually have to leave town to not work. Guess thats what happens when you work from home. It's always lurking
at you....
You're doing wonderful with how busy you've been. How's your sisters recovery coming? Is she going home from the hospital soon? Tell her she's in our thoughts...
Great job staying away from the
evil carbs.... They just wait in the background & get you when you're down..... Very devilish....
Have a great day

Wow girl! You sound soooo busy! But fun busy!!!
I know we have been extremely busy around here too. But it's slowly starting to get back to normal for summer!
I am doing my 2 miles today at lunchtime. It's gorgeous here but not too warm yet. Supposed to get up to the 90's this weekend.
Take care,

Yes, it has been busy, & yup fun busy.... That's the way it should be. I am more & more thankful for this surgery every day. Lord knows I would be exhausted (even more so) if I had 100 lbs of weight on me.... Wow, it really hits you when you say it like that. It just takes me back to last year......what a blessing this surgery has been for me. It's so go to reflect on from where we've come, because, like you, I don't EVER want to be 291 again....
Great job on the exercise....