Friday & Saturday's Gym--Day 14 & 15
Hey Everyone....
How we all doing??? I'm doing great. Yesterday was busy. Sorry I didn't post. Didn't get my exercise in either
......... Had to go into work, then come home, work some more, then my step daughter & her boyfriend arrived for a weekend visit.
This morning I got up at 6 & rode my bike 3 miles before the RAIN
hit again....... Darn rain. Looks like we'll be hitting the mall today & the beach tomorrow. Supposed to be nice tomorrow (fingers crossed)...
How's everyone else doing?
weight is teeting 185.5 - 186
Have a great weekend

Hi Tammy!
No excersise for me Fri or Sat. Bad, bad... But I'll be back at it today.
Thank you for your response about that support group meeting and the donut eater. You're absolutely right too, I have no doubt her 1 year blood work is gonna be terrible. I'm grateful for my health and how far I've come. Even if some of you had to drag me kicking and screaming part of the way.
My scale is the devil in disguise. I'm thinking the 2 lbs I'm up today must be water retention, so I'm gonna push to get in lots of fluids today and see if that helps.
to everyone here!

Hi all!!
Well friday I had to work! and then went to go see my sister. Got home kind of late to do much of anything. Good news is she is doing great! And will be home soon!
And Sat. I had to work. Took the kids from work to the pool. Mostly watched them and got a tan! After work I picked up my son and went back to the pool and swam and played with him for about 3 hrs. Nice swim!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!