Thursday Morning Gym Talk.....Day 13
Good Morning Friends...
Wow, it's almost the weekend again... yeah
... My step daughter & her boyfriend are coming to visit this weekend. Should be fun. Think we'll go to the beach & the mall. Got up bright & early today to ride 3 miles on the bike. Never did stop raining yesterday so no exercise. I'm working from my sisters house today. Her & her husband are on a 3 week vacation in Europe.... So far they've toured castles, villages, whinerys, vineyards & drove along the rhine river in Germany. They've also gone to Rome, Italy & saw the Pope, the Castle of Angels, Sistene Chapel etc etc... They are leaving this Saturday for a quick 2 day trip to Paris. I'm so happy for them. My sisters 1 year surgiversary was June 28th...what a way to celebrate her new life. The best part about it is their foreign exchange student, Sebastian, that lived with them for his senior year in 1993-1994 & his parents are paying for the entire trip.... What a gift. Like they say.... You get what you give & Deb & Cris are probably the 2 most giving people I know. Can you tell I just love them both to death
??? I really miss them too. They only live a couple blocks from us. They'll be home on the 21st. I'm at their house now working because we're taking care of their springer, Abby, while they're gone & I think she's starting to get a little depressed without any company. Poor Honey.
Ok, gotta get some work done, my girls have their last away soccer game tonight & tomorrow is their last home game... Yeah, then we're free for the rest of the Summer.
Oh, my weight today was 185.5 again

Hiya! T - You know everyday I say I'm not weighing myself tomorrow, and the first thing I do, is get undressed and hit the scale.
Here is my thought for the day:
Can you imagine- if we were eating regular donuts or cake or cookies ( pick smthing)
and exercising and trying to take weight off?
.. I like having something sweet- like Slim A Bear Klondike Bar or Blue Bunny ice cream cone ( have you tried these? OMG! Splenda never tasted soo good!) SOO..I'm proud of the fact we basically stick to a healty diet-don't have to deal with those sugar highs, and we try to balance it all.
I have no clue why Im stuck in the 212/215 rut, but I have been changing up my workout. I think I overdo carbs but am undereating protein. I think I could go half a day and not eat anything or eat 2 meals a day & be fine. .I can now do the Precor stairmaster- hands free and using 3lb handweights. I also started doing it again, with my Boxing. Here is my workout last night:
41mins Treadmil/ Boxing- var inclines & speeds-@ 2.69 miles / handweights
20 mins- Precor stairmaster- with handweights
weights 3 sets- legsled 2sets /12 reps@ 80lbs// 1 set of 20reps@ 60lbs
Swimming- 4 laps - all I culd squeeze in.
OMG! ALL THAT RAIN! If finally hit Long Island last night- from 5pm on - HOLY SMOKES! I heard upstate it was more like hurricane winds and power outages. How bad was it by you Tammy? It was like Flash Flood City here with low visability. Oh and I peeked into your profile- you look GREAT at 185!
..Pretty soon people are gonna wonder why your DH met his new wife!
OH- and I totally recommend everyone pick up the current copy of SHAPE magazine.Just got mine mailed. It has great suggestions- for exercise at any decade- your 20s/30s/ 40s, plus there are some great articles - about motivation- and I love the Success Stories. I think there are many things that we've all touched upon- that are in this months issue.

whewwwwww!! Im tired!! Such a busy day!! First went to see my sister in th hospital. Shes doing very well! Then took my son to the pool for 3hrs!! Got alot of swimming in!! Then his selfdefence class! Then we went to music in the park. Had dinner in the park and danced while the band played!! Great fun!! Wow thats great your sister is enjoying a wonderful trip! How awsume!! I hope everyone has a great Friday!! The scale better move soon!!LOL
My clothes are falling off! So thats a plus!!

Take care,
/140ish!!! If it kills me tryin!!! LOL

We made the hour drive yesterday to attend my surgical group's support group meeting. I'm glad I went, it was good to hear how others were doing. I have to say tho, I don't remember the last time I was so uncomfortable in my own skin. I don't know WHY! I felt like the fattest person in the room within minutes, and squirmed the whole hour and a half. I was mortified to realize that the 4 to 6 ozs of food per meal I can eat is apparently a lot more than many other post ops in my time range.
One girl swears she only eats 2 bites at a meal, and she's a year out next month too! Of course, she did say she drinks with those 2 bites and eats mini donuts and dark chocolate daily, so I guess I should try to keep in mind at least I don't do that stuff.
We didn't get home til late, and I was wiped out so no excersise yesterday for me.
I weighed at the support group - I'm 175 according to their scales.
That sucks, but all I can do is keep trying!

Hi Connie!
The Postop who eats donuts!
We all know thats not healthy choices
and don't you dare compare yourself to her. Her metabolism will catch up with her and then she'll wonder why she gained back 20lbs.
I know that uncomfortable feeling and understand. But here is how I see it - You are doing a great job and improving all the time. We learn as we move along. Don't compare other's results to yours - you can only control what is best for you- and as long as you are giving it 100%- then what does it matter? I'm not where I want to be and think Jeez, what can I do to change my outcome- and before I realize it- Im already changing my 2nd nature. Plus I know there are others who can eat more than I can- with surgery after me- and I wonder how- and glad its not me.. SO don't worry about that others are doing- take care of yourself and you will be fine. It's not a contest, this is your healthy life now. Make the most of it all.

Thank you Donna!
I definitely needed that. I've been on an emotional roller coaster since that meeting - I'm gonna drive myself nuts. But you know, like you said, we learn as we go and I try every day to make the right choices. If I make a mistake, I pick myself up and try again. Sometimes I think to myself "WHY am I complaining about not losing more yet or not being at goal yet - it's been 15 years since I was this small - and I'm upset about it?" Geesh, if I didn't lose one more lb, I'm still smaller than I've been my whole adult life! I'm healthy, and I'm active. And I don't snack on donuts and chocalote.
Thanks again Donna! I really can't thank you girls here on the August board enough for the support you give.

Sorry I'm late responding to this. First of all, 2 bites a meal is NOT healthy at all. That girl should be checking herself out. Drinking with her meals & eating mini donuts & dark chocolate daily............UH HELLO
Lets wonder why we can only eat 2 bites. Wonder what her 1 year blood work will look like. 4 to 6 oz of food per meal doesn't sound like alot to me. You just listen to your Dr & what he feels is right for you. Heck you could be eating 8 oz of food per meal, making them healthy choices & still be doing better than the 2 bite girl... Those are the ones that have health isssue down the road, or gain weight. I still don't understand how someone can go through all that we have & eat that crap on a daily basis. HELLO........... isn't that how we got the way we got in the first place?????? Anyway, I think you're doing wonderful, whether the scale is moving or not. Look at all your healthy life choices you've been making?????????? YOU GO GIRL
Remember to CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS........Enjoy today & celebrate how far you've come...