Tuesday's Gym is Open--July 11
Ok, first of all girls....look at all the responses to my exercise post from yesterday......................... Can I say....YIPPEEE
?????? Looks like everyone is getting re-motivated or staying right on track....GOOD FOR US
I can't say how good it feels to be back exercising everyday. I know, I probably mention it daily, but, hey, I repeat myself
I'm a little
we all know that by now.
Anyway, I'm so proud of everyone. We all seem to have these hectic lives just spinning around us & we're keeping our focus & making time for us. We all know how important that is. The stress level for me has been extremely high & without that release from exercise, I would probably explode
..... So remember, everyone.... here's a new motto for us........."THERE'S ALWAYS 30 MINUTES FOR ME"
On the exercise front... Was up bright & early this morning & went for about a 5 mile bike ride. Trying to push myself a little harder to change it up a little. Don't want my body to get used to the same thing every day. Took a different route this morning.
So now, I gotta hit the shower, work for a little bit, bring my youngest to the orthodontist to get her appliances on to begin her braces journey (number 3 & done...wooo hooo), then come home & work
to get more overtime in....
oh on the scale front.... I did get on this morning & of course I'm starting the teeter totter teeter totter, but I felt like I munched all day yesterday & I didn't have a protein drink.... So, ok I saw 100 lb loss yesterday....it'll be back.
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
July 8 186 yeah
July 9 185
July 10 184
July 11 185.5
Have a great day everyone....
((((HUGS)))) &

Hi Tammy!
I think thats a great saying! 30 min for me!! Very true a great release! Going to go to work this morning, then go sit with sister. This evening when I pick up my son from day care I'm going on a bike ride as well.Don't ya just love rideing bikes! I feel like a kid again!! And my son smiles from ear to ear when I go with him! He's so happy to have a mom with some energy now! 

have a great day evryone!

Hey everyone!
First, I want to say thank you for the responses and the prayers yesterday for my Pop's friend Bill. As of now he's still in a coma, however we are still praying he'll come out of it. His doctors are being optimistic, which makes us all have hope.
Today for excersise - 2 mile walk with DH and that floppy bassett hound of mine. She's such a drama queen, last night she acted like it was just KILLING her to make it the last quarter mile. I mean come on, the dog is all of 8 months old and has more energy than all 4 of my kids put together. She wasn't fooling NOBODY! LOL
Tammy, thank you for your daily excersise post and the encouragement you give us all!
269/172 still stuck but still determined!/163 surgeon's goal

No problem...the daily post keeps me going as well.
That is so funny with your bassett. Too cute. Just the look on their face makes you think they're exhausted constantly.
Keep us posted on Bill's status. We will continue to pray for him
You're sooo close to goal...11 lbs
WOW..... They say it's the last 15 that's soo hard to lose. Hang in there. It'll happen for you

You need to be carefull....falling again
You want to be able to
the night away on your birthday......
You're doing so good with your exercise. 2.5 lbs this week???? Great job
I know what you're saying to just want to wake up & be where you want to be. Nothings ever easy that's for sure. We'll get there together.
Take care of yourself ok