Day 7...........How'd it go
Hi Girls
How's the exercise today. I haven't gotten out there yet, but am hoping to when I'm done with work. 17 hrs of overtime this week is really getting me tired. just can really use the extra money in the summer....
July 1 189
July 2 189.5
July 3 189.5
July 4 188.5
July 5 186.5 (2.5lbs from 100lbs since surgery)
July 6 186.5
July 7 187
Have a wonderful weekend everyone

HiYa!! Very Briefly:
July 2nd - walked laps around the Mall (approx 90 mins) on my stupid date with John. I ran into a fitness trainer and spent a lot of time picking his brain and got all fired up again!
July 3- went to the gyn- did an awesome workout
90 mins - treadmill and stairmaster
45 mins - weights
30 mins- sauna
30 mins- swim+ hot tub
July4 - Yes got into my bathing suit and swam laps at the gym
that was all I had time for- but it was fabulous
and Im not skinny- but I think I look great in a bathing suit .

Hey everyone!
Me and DH did a 2 mile walk again this evening.
I have done so much better with what I ate today. Feels awesome to be getting back to doing this the right way!
I'm hating the scale being off. If DH is right and it's 5 lbs off, I'm at 172 today. I think I'm a little higher tho. I may look at a new scale tomorrow. I'm a scale addict, so having one that I believe is so far off is aggrivating as CRAP!
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!