Exercise for the Week of Jun 26-July 2
Hi All,
Tammy seems a little swamped with work, kids & summer so I thought I'd start a new way to post our exercise. Since the goal is a minimum of 3x30 mins a week - let's do one overall post for the week. You can either reply to this one as you do your exercise or once at the end of week listing what you did for the week. Also, since we're all on summer schedule, Tammy won't have to try and fit in a daily post. (I love you Tammy
) Also, as we seemed to have been struggling this month with our exercise is it okay if I start 'bugging' you all about Thursday to try and encourage you/me to get out and exercise? Summer is a great time to 'find' yourself exercising without planning to. Be sure to just kick that stroll along the lake up a notch or extend it a bit, hop on a bike with your kids - just enjoy the outdoors and sunshine.
Love you all!!
1 hr 20 mins walk this am.
Hi Dawn,
Thanks so much for posting. Whatever works for everyone is fine with me. My schedule seems to be going back to somewhat normal next week & this chickie is gonna get her butt back into routine. For me, personally, I like the daily post cuz it keeps me giong, but I'm willing to do whatever everyone wants. I purposely left July pretty clear because my sister is going to Europe for 3 weeks & we're watching their dog for them. It sure will be nice to get back to an exercise routine. I must say that my weight really hasn't budged much since the beginning of May. I was 191.5 on May 1st & am 190.5 today. I'm gonna use July to get all my ducks back in a row.... liquids, protein etc etc etc..... I know with all my August friends behind me, It'll be a success. I have an appt with my surgeon on July 17th, would like to be in the 180's & stay there by that time. Fingers Crossed...........
Anyway....thanks for posting.....you're a sweetie