June Challenge Day 3
Sorry this is so late girls... PHEW..........what a day....
Alot of running around, but no actual exercise. I figured because my muscles were so sore, I should give them a break today. Got alot of work done today & then my daughter had her spring concert tonight. Tomorrow, I have to go into the office for a get together for my boss's 25th anniversary with the company, then come home & work, then my other 2 daughters have their spring concert tomorrow night. I'm sure everyone is as busy as I am.... I'm figuring if I don't get exercise in tomorrow or Friday, I'll make up for it at the track on Saturday walking for the Relay for Life.
I'll post tomorrow. Try to in the morning before I leave... If not, as soon as I get a chance...
How was everyone elses day????
Hey Tammy,
I didn't get any walking in yesterday. And I forgot my stupid walking shoes again today!
I am so scatterbrained lately. I can't seem to remember important stuff or concentrate on anything. Work is heck right now with school ending next week. My kids are so busy with 2 sports each, not to mention my daughter starts driver's ed on Monday. I don't have time to fart!
I keep telling my husband that we need to plan a weekend away from it all but it never works out. I am ready to pull my hair out by the roots if something doesn't change soon!
I just feel so stressed out lately. And nothing makes me madder than when I get home later than everyone else and come home to a messy house. Nobody has lifted a finger to do anything. I have to get angry and start cleaning before anyone will do anything. Last night I started in the kitchen loading the dishwasher, cooked dinner, did 3 loads of laundry, cleaned my bathroom and bedroom. And had to TELL them what needed to be done in the living room! UH DUH! Have you taken a look around??? Dishes, socks, shoes, chewed up paper from the puppy, backpacks, sports bags, etc. lying around just waiting to be picked up. And you would have thought by the way they looked at me that I was a crazy woman for asking them to vacuum!
I need to de-stress. I need a vacation!!!!! Mexico sounds right fine about now!
On a more positive note, my weight is back down to 175 after a 4lb gain over the last few days...
Take care,
I think you and I were separated at birth.
You sound just like me, Lori. I cannot stand to come home to a dirty house when everyone else gets home at 3:45 and I don't get home until 6:00. Just tidy up and I will do the rest - BUT DO SOMETHING!!!!!
May was crazy for us with all the sports. I know how you feel. All the running around, the ups and downs of WLS, the stress of work, etc... etc... It sounds like you do need some time away from it all. Keep your head up, girl and remember to breathe.
Thanks Sherry. We DO sound like one in the same don't we?? Sheesh! I have two teenagers and a husband that just won't do anything unless I ask! I really shouldn't have to ask! JUST FRIGGIN DO IT! Geez!
I guess I did get some exercise yesterday since I got home at 5:30 and didn't sit down until until 8:30!
I kept finding something else that needed to be done.
I really really do need a vacation. Can I come over???
Seriously! I have never been to Alabama!
Thanks again for reminding me to breath....