Getting married June 17. Plastic Surgery?
Hi everyone! Had my wls 8/26/05. Lost a lot of weight, gained a fiance!
I am getting married June 17. Have been feeling bad about my excess skin
since weight loss. Everything sags since I have lost 125 pounds since my surgery in 8 1/2 months and 147 pounds since my highest weight 10 months ago! Feel crummy about upcoming wedding/honeymoon because my breasts and stomach are looking terrible!
I started dating Sergio, my fiance when I weighed 240 pounds. He accepted me as I was, overweight. Last time I saw him in March I weighed about 200 pounds. Now I am down to 175 ( 5'8, 11 pounds away from my normal BMI goal.) I look good in clothes now but really awful without. The more weight I lose the more my skin looks bad.
In a panic I scheduled Breast lift and overall liposuction $17,000 for this coming Monday. Then cancelled the liposuction (my wedding dress arrived and fits) but I am still getting the breasts done($11,000) this coming Monday. I figure that the breasts are a good start, I will look a lot better for my dress (now I hang over the sides of my strapless dress) and if I lose another 11 pounds (goal), the breast lift will be okay.
AND, that it will be much easier to recover from just 1 procedure ( I leave in 2 1/2 weeks for Central America for wedding).
I am kind of afraid to get lipo at just 8 1/2 months out. AND yet, I want to look skinny for my wedding. AND, I am afraid of pain, swelling and the possibility of getting too thin since I am so close to goal. Also, I had pneumonia and severe dehydration/vitamin defficiency this past month and was hospitalized. Afraid to pu**** having too much surgery. The plastic surgeon thinks I should get lipo now. Says it won't hurt and I will look great for wedding. I think that my skin might even look worse since fat will be gone and excess left sagging?
I think I should just get breast lift now, wait until 1 year post wls for lipo, then a few months after that get a tummy tuck and possible thigh lift. Does this make sense?
Or should I bite the bullet and get the breast and lipo done Monday?
Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
First of all, congrats on the upcoming wedding! That is tremendous! I am very happy for you.
Second, I totally understand how you feel about the loose skin and sagging. I would say that since you only have about a month to recouperated and they say there is lots of swelling that goes down slowly, I would go for the breast lift and not do too much more. Check with you PS and see what he/she says about swelling, it may be ok and then if you have the funds, go for it.
I know that if it was me, I would want my ugly arms done, so I totally understand what you are going through. We all want to look our very best at all times, but especailly on our wedding day.
Best of luck and post pics from the wedding if you get the chance. I would love to see you in that wedding dress you are talking about!
Congrats on the wedding!!!
I'm with you on probably waiting. I heard/read on a lot of sites that most surgeons encourage you to wait for a year post-weight loss to do something with our excess skin just because it will keep resizing itself for up to that long. Add to that how sick you were w/i the last 30 days... I'd wait too.
I hope your wedding is all you want it to be.
C C!
I guess, I'm a late responder since it's Monday already, and you probably already in surgery, but anyway...
Breast lift sounds relatively benign... and will be good time to have it done before your upcoming Wedding (Congrats!!!). But I'd defenetly wait before surgically addressing all the rest of loose skin issues for a few resons.
First, I looked at your profile, and it's clear to me that you are NOT done loosing yet, you are still going down pretty rapidly whether it's related to your health problems or just WLS routine loss. Second, like people mentioned before your skin does have a natural ability to bounce back a bit on its own, but it takes some time which you should give to your body...I've heard 18 months after surgery is the time to start thinking PS give or take a couple mo, but not at 8-9 mo. postop.
Third, and I think this is actually very important.... from your profile I thought you said you vere sick now: dehydrated, vitamin-defficient, and in need for endoscopy/colonoscopy. And that sounds like a big priority to me. You should get well first, and only then have another surgery. You are in it for life-long. Please don't ru****
Best of luck to you, hugs, Rita