Hi Linda,
Thanks for getting us back and in touch. I have new pics on my profile also. I am really having a tough time of it and do need support. I am lucky that so far I have NEVER once gotten sick or dumped. Unfortunatley, my pouch is more like a stomach now. I can eat quite a lot of food. I mean, I can eat for breakfast a cheese omelette, 3 slices of bacon and 3 cups of coffee. I dont touch the bread or potatoes, but I could and have on a rare occassion, but I try not to. I have lost 170lbs and need to lose about 40 more and dont think it will happen. I need to have my surgery repair and TT but have been putting it off. I guess I am a little bummed cause I see the old habits creeping back and dont want that to happen. At least I am aware of everything I put in my mouth, and it is a conscious decision to overeat when I do, but I struggle every single day. So far I only put back 5lbs, and it comes and goes, but it scares me.
Thanks for listening, and you all look so good. Keep up the great work.
Hi Soos, thanks for the reply. Don't give up, you can do this. Look at how far you have come, and be determined to not go back. You can eat a lot more than i can, but i am not perfect either. The old habits came back to me too, but it scared me enough to get back on track and focus on the protein. 5 pounds right now is gonna lead to 10, then 20 and who knows where. Here is what i do: first of all, i dont' eat a big meal, i'm scared of it stretching my pouch. i eat 5 to 6 small meals, and i eat the protein first, then veggies or fruit, then the carbs or fat. By the time i get to the carbs and fat, i'm almost full and don't eat much of it. Are you drinking protein? I drink it as soon as i wake up, then i don't eat a big breakfast. You worked so hard to get where you are, don't give up!! i am here for support anytime you need me, just let me know. I too am putting the tt off, it's scarey to me and i don't handle pain well. Now if i could get my insurance to take care of my turkey neck and my wings, i'd be there in a second. Your new pics look great, i need to get a new one of me on here, just waiting to get my new camera
wow i just realized we have the same surgery date!! Do you want to hear something funny? until a month ago i could drink coke, eat cake, pizza, anything, and never dumped....well last month i went to sams and did a pizza sample and a biscuit sample with jelly on it and dumped big time!! I am so glad i dump on the littlest thing now, it keeps me disciplined. So don't think you don't dump, you probably will sooner or later.
Thanks so much for the support and wake up call. After I read and posted to this, I back tracked and read some of your other posts about what you do now. I did get away from starting my day with protien, and just do coffee and oatmeal. I have since been doing what you suggested. Since I posted, I start my day with the shake again . I ALWAYS did protien first, then fruit & veg, the "bad" carbs. I dont eat bread or pasta yet. I have been doing trail mix which has m & m's candy in it, and I cant seem to stop. I promise that tomorrow I will start the walking again regularly, and try to cut back to half of what I have been eating for my meals, and have grapes or a protien bar in between and see if that helps. Im glad you told me about the dumping thing, that will put the fear of God in me now
. I really appreciate your support and I will use you as my go to person to keep on track. Thanks so much. Please feel free to email me anytime. My email is [email protected].
Thanks and I am glad we have the same rebirth date.

PS Linda
I meant to say in my original post that I am putting off my hernia repair and TT not my surgery repair. However, as big as my pouch is, maybe thats what I need
. Anyway, I do fitday every day and I do get about 115g of protien in every single day and I have never missed taking my vitamens. So with your advice I will try to cut my meals in half for now and see what happens.
Thanks again

Hi Norma
I started out at 360, and my surgeon said it would be impossible to lose more than half my body weight, so his goal was 180. Well i am now 162!! I am 5'3 and really big boned. My pcp says to stop losing now since i am literally skin and bones, but i want to at least get into the 150's, so that will be my challenge.
My surgeon hasn't seen me since February 05 ( i know that's bad) so i plan to surprise him and start doing his seminars starting this month. I am hoping to encourage anyone that these goals are obtainable and it just takes dedication and hard work.
Check back and let us know how you're doing, you look fabulous by the way.

I had my surgery Aug 16/04 at Cori by Dr. Wood. I am from Ontario Canada. I have weighed the same for about the past year. I lose 5 gain 5 . My lowest weight was 155. I really want to lose 10-20 pounds. I am hovering between 158 & 165. I don't like the 165. It really scares me. I am going for a TT ( anchor) on July 13th. Looking forward to seing the results after the swelling goes down. Anyone have any advice for surgery. Hope you are all doing well. I will post some more pics on my profile shortly. I have been posting on the Ontario board but I will pop by every now & then.
keep up the good work